Hi! I’m Chanseok. Currently, I’m research engineer in LG Electronics. My role is to deploy energy-efficient algorithm in commercial/business product(refrigerator, HVAC etc). Also, I have an experience on developing BSP drivers on 5G environment. 1

I’m very interested in learning something new(AI, Embedded System, Mathematics). Especially, I enjoyed taking MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) when I have free time. Checkout the details of progress on my github repos

This website 2 (powered by fastpages) is the storage of my trial and error reports from experience or taking lectures. So it maybe contains inaccurate contents. If you find something, or have a question about contents, just feel free to contact me through mail or comment it in each page (comments are linked to my github with utteranc.es)

  1. See the datails of my experience cv 

  2. I also have a companion blog with korean