Note: 라이브러리 설치를 위해 아래의 패키지들을 설치해주기 바랍니다.

!pip install tqdm numpy scikit-learn pyglet setuptools && \
!pip install gym asciinema pandas tabulate tornado==5.* PyBullet && \
!pip install git+ && \
!pip install git+ && \
!pip install git+ && \
!pip install git+ && \
!pip install gym[atari]
import gym, gym_walk, gym_aima

정책 반복법, 가치 반복법

참고: 해당 노트북에서 사용되는 환경에 대한 정보는 아래 링크를 참고하시기 바랍니다.

import warnings ; warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')

import gym, gym_walk, gym_aima
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm

from itertools import cycle

import random

random.seed(123); np.random.seed(123)

출력을 위한 helper function

def print_policy(pi, P, action_symbols=('<', 'v', '>', '^'), n_cols=4, title='정책:'):
    arrs = {k:v for k,v in enumerate(action_symbols)}
    for s in range(len(P)):
        a = pi(s)
        print("| ", end="")
        if np.all([done for action in P[s].values() for _, _, _, done in action]):
            print("".rjust(9), end=" ")
            print(str(s).zfill(2), arrs[a].rjust(6), end=" ")
        if (s + 1) % n_cols == 0: print("|")
def print_state_value_function(V, P, n_cols=4, prec=3, title='상태-가치 함수:'):
    for s in range(len(P)):
        v = V[s]
        print("| ", end="")
        if np.all([done for action in P[s].values() for _, _, _, done in action]):
            print("".rjust(9), end=" ")
            print(str(s).zfill(2), '{}'.format(np.round(v, prec)).rjust(6), end=" ")
        if (s + 1) % n_cols == 0: print("|")
def print_action_value_function(Q, 
                                action_symbols=('<', '>'), 
                                title='행동-가치 함수:'):
    vf_types=('',) if optimal_Q is None else ('', '*', 'err')
    headers = ['s',] + [' '.join(i) for i in list(itertools.product(vf_types, action_symbols))]
    states = np.arange(len(Q))[..., np.newaxis]
    arr = np.hstack((states, np.round(Q, prec)))
    if not (optimal_Q is None):
        arr = np.hstack((arr, np.round(optimal_Q, prec), np.round(optimal_Q-Q, prec)))
    print(tabulate(arr, headers, tablefmt="fancy_grid"))
def probability_success(env, pi, goal_state, n_episodes=100, max_steps=200):
    random.seed(123); np.random.seed(123) ; env.seed(123)
    results = []
    for _ in range(n_episodes):
        state, done, steps = env.reset(), False, 0
        while not done and steps < max_steps:
            state, _, done, h = env.step(pi(state))
            steps += 1
        results.append(state == goal_state)
    return np.sum(results)/len(results)
def mean_return(env, pi, n_episodes=100, max_steps=200):
    random.seed(123); np.random.seed(123) ; env.seed(123)
    results = []
    for _ in range(n_episodes):
        state, done, steps = env.reset(), False, 0
        while not done and steps < max_steps:
            state, reward, done, _ = env.step(pi(state))
            results[-1] += reward
            steps += 1
    return np.mean(results)

Slippery Walk Five MDP and sample policy

env = gym.make('SlipperyWalkFive-v0')
P = env.env.P
init_state = env.reset()
goal_state = 6

LEFT, RIGHT = range(2)
pi = lambda s: {
    0:LEFT, 1:LEFT, 2:LEFT, 3:LEFT, 4:LEFT, 5:LEFT, 6:LEFT
print_policy(pi, P, action_symbols=('<', '>'), n_cols=7)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, pi)))
|           | 01      < | 02      < | 03      < | 04      < | 05      < |           |
Reaches goal 7.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.0700.

정책 평가법

def policy_evaluation(pi, P, gamma=1.0, theta=1e-10):
    prev_V = np.zeros(len(P), dtype=np.float64)
    while True:
        V = np.zeros(len(P), dtype=np.float64)
        for s in range(len(P)):
            for prob, next_state, reward, done in P[s][pi(s)]:
                V[s] += prob * (reward + gamma * prev_V[next_state] * (not done))
        if np.max(np.abs(prev_V - V)) < theta:
        prev_V = V.copy()
    return V
V = policy_evaluation(pi, P)
print_state_value_function(V, P, n_cols=7, prec=5)
상태-가치 함수:
|           | 01 0.00275 | 02 0.01099 | 03 0.03571 | 04 0.10989 | 05 0.33242 |           |

정책 개선법

def policy_improvement(V, P, gamma=1.0):
    Q = np.zeros((len(P), len(P[0])), dtype=np.float64)
    for s in range(len(P)):
        for a in range(len(P[s])):
            for prob, next_state, reward, done in P[s][a]:
                Q[s][a] += prob * (reward + gamma * V[next_state] * (not done))
    new_pi = lambda s: {s:a for s, a in enumerate(np.argmax(Q, axis=1))}[s]
    return new_pi
improved_pi = policy_improvement(V, P)
print_policy(improved_pi, P, action_symbols=('<', '>'), n_cols=7)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, improved_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, improved_pi)))
|           | 01      > | 02      > | 03      > | 04      > | 05      > |           |
Reaches goal 93.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.9300.
improved_V = policy_evaluation(improved_pi, P)
print_state_value_function(improved_V, P, n_cols=7, prec=5)
상태-가치 함수:
|           | 01 0.66758 | 02 0.89011 | 03 0.96429 | 04 0.98901 | 05 0.99725 |           |
improved_improved_pi = policy_improvement(improved_V, P)
print_policy(improved_improved_pi, P, action_symbols=('<', '>'), n_cols=7)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, improved_improved_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, improved_improved_pi)))
|           | 01      > | 02      > | 03      > | 04      > | 05      > |           |
Reaches goal 93.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.9300.
# if we evaluate again, we can see there is nothing to improve 
# that also means we reached the optimal policy
improved_improved_V = policy_evaluation(improved_improved_pi, P)
print_state_value_function(improved_improved_V, P, n_cols=7, prec=5)
상태-가치 함수:
|           | 01 0.66758 | 02 0.89011 | 03 0.96429 | 04 0.98901 | 05 0.99725 |           |
assert np.all(improved_V == improved_improved_V)

정책 반복법

def policy_iteration(P, gamma=1.0, theta=1e-10):
    random_actions = np.random.choice(tuple(P[0].keys()), len(P))
    pi = lambda s: {s:a for s, a in enumerate(random_actions)}[s]
    while True:
        old_pi = {s:pi(s) for s in range(len(P))}
        V = policy_evaluation(pi, P, gamma, theta)
        pi = policy_improvement(V, P, gamma)
        if old_pi == {s:pi(s) for s in range(len(P))}:
    return V, pi
optimal_V, optimal_pi = policy_iteration(P)
print('Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):')
print_policy(optimal_pi, P, action_symbols=('<', '>'), n_cols=7)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, optimal_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, optimal_pi)))
print_state_value_function(optimal_V, P, n_cols=7, prec=5)
Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):
|           | 01      > | 02      > | 03      > | 04      > | 05      > |           |
Reaches goal 93.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.9300.

상태-가치 함수:
|           | 01 0.66758 | 02 0.89011 | 03 0.96429 | 04 0.98901 | 05 0.99725 |           |
assert np.all(improved_V == optimal_V)

Frozen Lake MDP and sample policies

env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v0')
P = env.env.P
init_state = env.reset()
goal_state = 15

LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP = range(4)
random_pi = lambda s: {
    0:RIGHT, 1:LEFT, 2:DOWN, 3:UP,
    4:LEFT, 5:LEFT, 6:RIGHT, 7:LEFT,
    8:UP, 9:DOWN, 10:UP, 11:LEFT,
    12:LEFT, 13:RIGHT, 14:DOWN, 15:LEFT
print_policy(random_pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, random_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, random_pi)))
| 00      > | 01      < | 02      v | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      > |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      v | 10      ^ |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      v |           |
Reaches goal 12.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.1200.
go_get_pi = lambda s: {
    0:RIGHT, 1:RIGHT, 2:DOWN, 3:LEFT,
    4:DOWN, 5:LEFT, 6:DOWN, 7:LEFT,
    8:RIGHT, 9:RIGHT, 10:DOWN, 11:LEFT,
    12:LEFT, 13:RIGHT, 14:RIGHT, 15:LEFT
print_policy(go_get_pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, go_get_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, go_get_pi)))
| 00      > | 01      > | 02      v | 03      < |
| 04      v |           | 06      v |           |
| 08      > | 09      > | 10      v |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      > |           |
Reaches goal 5.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.0500.
careful_pi = lambda s: {
    0:LEFT, 1:UP, 2:UP, 3:UP,
    4:LEFT, 5:LEFT, 6:UP, 7:LEFT,
    8:UP, 9:DOWN, 10:LEFT, 11:LEFT,
    12:LEFT, 13:RIGHT, 14:RIGHT, 15:LEFT
print_policy(careful_pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, careful_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, careful_pi)))
| 00      < | 01      ^ | 02      ^ | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      ^ |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      v | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      > |           |
Reaches goal 52.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.5200.

정책 평가법

V = policy_evaluation(careful_pi, P, gamma=0.99)
print_state_value_function(V, P, prec=4)
상태-가치 함수:
| 00 0.4079 | 01 0.3754 | 02 0.3543 | 03 0.3438 |
| 04 0.4203 |           | 06 0.1169 |           |
| 08 0.4454 | 09  0.484 | 10 0.4328 |           |
|           | 13 0.5884 | 14 0.7107 |           |

정책 개선법

careful_plus_pi = policy_improvement(V, P, gamma=0.99)
print_policy(careful_plus_pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, careful_plus_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, careful_plus_pi)))
| 00      < | 01      ^ | 02      ^ | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      < |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      v | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      v |           |
Reaches goal 74.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.7400.
new_V = policy_evaluation(careful_plus_pi, P, gamma=0.99)
print_state_value_function(new_V, P, prec=4)
상태-가치 함수:
| 00  0.542 | 01 0.4988 | 02 0.4707 | 03 0.4569 |
| 04 0.5585 |           | 06 0.3583 |           |
| 08 0.5918 | 09 0.6431 | 10 0.6152 |           |
|           | 13 0.7417 | 14 0.8628 |           |
print_state_value_function(new_V - V, P, prec=4)
상태-가치 함수:
| 00 0.1341 | 01 0.1234 | 02 0.1164 | 03  0.113 |
| 04 0.1381 |           | 06 0.2414 |           |
| 08 0.1464 | 09 0.1591 | 10 0.1824 |           |
|           | 13 0.1533 | 14 0.1521 |           |

Alternating between evaluation and improvement

adversarial_pi = lambda s: {
    0:UP, 1:UP, 2:UP, 3:UP,
    4:UP, 5:LEFT, 6:UP, 7:LEFT,
    8:LEFT, 9:LEFT, 10:LEFT, 11:LEFT,
    12:LEFT, 13:LEFT, 14:LEFT, 15:LEFT
print_policy(adversarial_pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, adversarial_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, adversarial_pi)))
| 00      ^ | 01      ^ | 02      ^ | 03      ^ |
| 04      ^ |           | 06      ^ |           |
| 08      < | 09      < | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      < | 14      < |           |
Reaches goal 0.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.0000.
V = policy_evaluation(adversarial_pi, P, gamma=0.99)
print_state_value_function(V, P, prec=2)
상태-가치 함수:
| 00    0.0 | 01    0.0 | 02    0.0 | 03    0.0 |
| 04    0.0 |           | 06    0.0 |           |
| 08    0.0 | 09    0.0 | 10    0.0 |           |
|           | 13    0.0 | 14    0.0 |           |
i_pi = policy_improvement(V, P, gamma=0.99)
print_policy(i_pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, i_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, i_pi)))
| 00      < | 01      < | 02      < | 03      < |
| 04      < |           | 06      < |           |
| 08      < | 09      < | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      < | 14      v |           |
Reaches goal 0.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.0000.
i_V = policy_evaluation(i_pi, P, gamma=0.99)
print_state_value_function(i_V, P, prec=2)
상태-가치 함수:
| 00    0.0 | 01    0.0 | 02   0.04 | 03   0.02 |
| 04    0.0 |           | 06   0.07 |           |
| 08    0.0 | 09    0.0 | 10   0.19 |           |
|           | 13    0.0 | 14    0.5 |           |
ii_pi = policy_improvement(i_V, P, gamma=0.99)
print_policy(ii_pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, ii_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, ii_pi)))
| 00      < | 01      v | 02      > | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      < |           |
| 08      < | 09      v | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      v | 14      > |           |
Reaches goal 0.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.0000.
ii_V = policy_evaluation(ii_pi, P, gamma=0.99)
print_state_value_function(ii_V, P, prec=2)
상태-가치 함수:
| 00    0.0 | 01   0.05 | 02   0.16 | 03   0.15 |
| 04    0.0 |           | 06   0.17 |           |
| 08    0.0 | 09   0.22 | 10   0.35 |           |
|           | 13   0.33 | 14   0.67 |           |
iii_pi = policy_improvement(ii_V, P, gamma=0.99)
print_policy(iii_pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, iii_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, iii_pi)))
| 00      v | 01      > | 02      > | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      < |           |
| 08      v | 09      v | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      > |           |
Reaches goal 20.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.2000.
iii_V = policy_evaluation(iii_pi, P, gamma=0.99)
print_state_value_function(iii_V, P, prec=2)
상태-가치 함수:
| 00   0.12 | 01   0.09 | 02   0.19 | 03   0.19 |
| 04   0.15 |           | 06    0.2 |           |
| 08   0.19 | 09   0.38 | 10   0.43 |           |
|           | 13   0.53 | 14   0.71 |           |
iiii_pi = policy_improvement(iii_V, P, gamma=0.99)
print_policy(iiii_pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, iiii_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, iiii_pi)))
| 00      < | 01      ^ | 02      > | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      < |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      v | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      v |           |
Reaches goal 73.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.7300.
iiii_V = policy_evaluation(iiii_pi, P, gamma=0.99)
print_state_value_function(iiii_V, P, prec=2)
상태-가치 함수:
| 00   0.52 | 01   0.38 | 02   0.26 | 03   0.25 |
| 04   0.54 |           | 06   0.28 |           |
| 08   0.57 | 09   0.62 | 10   0.58 |           |
|           | 13   0.72 | 14   0.85 |           |
iiiii_pi = policy_improvement(iiii_V, P, gamma=0.99)
print_policy(iiiii_pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, iiiii_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, iiiii_pi)))
| 00      < | 01      ^ | 02      < | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      < |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      v | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      v |           |
Reaches goal 74.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.7400.
iiiii_V = policy_evaluation(iiiii_pi, P, gamma=0.99)
print_state_value_function(iiiii_V, P, prec=2)
상태-가치 함수:
| 00   0.53 | 01   0.45 | 02   0.38 | 03   0.37 |
| 04   0.55 |           | 06   0.32 |           |
| 08   0.58 | 09   0.63 | 10    0.6 |           |
|           | 13   0.73 | 14   0.86 |           |
iiiiii_pi = policy_improvement(iiiii_V, P, gamma=0.99)
print_policy(iiiiii_pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, iiiiii_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, iiiiii_pi)))
| 00      < | 01      ^ | 02      ^ | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      < |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      v | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      v |           |
Reaches goal 74.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.7400.
iiiiii_V = policy_evaluation(iiiiii_pi, P, gamma=0.99)
print_state_value_function(iiiiii_V, P, prec=2)
상태-가치 함수:
| 00   0.54 | 01    0.5 | 02   0.47 | 03   0.46 |
| 04   0.56 |           | 06   0.36 |           |
| 08   0.59 | 09   0.64 | 10   0.62 |           |
|           | 13   0.74 | 14   0.86 |           |
iiiiiii_pi = policy_improvement(iiiiii_V, P, gamma=0.99)
print_policy(iiiiiii_pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, iiiiiii_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, iiiiiii_pi)))
| 00      < | 01      ^ | 02      ^ | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      < |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      v | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      v |           |
Reaches goal 74.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.7400.

정책 반복법

V_best_p, pi_best_p = policy_iteration(P, gamma=0.99)
print_state_value_function(V_best_p, P, prec=4)
print('Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):')
print_policy(pi_best_p, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, pi_best_p, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, pi_best_p)))
상태-가치 함수:
| 00  0.542 | 01 0.4988 | 02 0.4707 | 03 0.4569 |
| 04 0.5585 |           | 06 0.3583 |           |
| 08 0.5918 | 09 0.6431 | 10 0.6152 |           |
|           | 13 0.7417 | 14 0.8628 |           |

Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):
| 00      < | 01      ^ | 02      ^ | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      < |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      v | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      v |           |
Reaches goal 74.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.7400.

Slippery Walk Five

env = gym.make('SlipperyWalkFive-v0')
init_state = env.reset()
goal_state = 6
P = env.env.P

가치 반복법

def value_iteration(P, gamma=1.0, theta=1e-10):
    V = np.zeros(len(P), dtype=np.float64)
    while True:
        Q = np.zeros((len(P), len(P[0])), dtype=np.float64)
        for s in range(len(P)):
            for a in range(len(P[s])):
                for prob, next_state, reward, done in P[s][a]:
                    Q[s][a] += prob * (reward + gamma * V[next_state] * (not done))
        if np.max(np.abs(V - np.max(Q, axis=1))) < theta:
        V = np.max(Q, axis=1)
    pi = lambda s: {s:a for s, a in enumerate(np.argmax(Q, axis=1))}[s]
    return V, pi
optimal_V, optimal_pi = value_iteration(P)
print('Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):')
print_policy(optimal_pi, P, action_symbols=('<', '>'), n_cols=7)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, optimal_pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, optimal_pi)))
print_state_value_function(optimal_V, P, n_cols=7, prec=5)
# |            | 01   0.668 | 02   0.890 | 03   0.964 | 04   0.989 | 05   0.997 |            |
Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):
|           | 01      > | 02      > | 03      > | 04      > | 05      > |           |
Reaches goal 93.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.9300.

상태-가치 함수:
|           | 01 0.66758 | 02 0.89011 | 03 0.96429 | 04 0.98901 | 05 0.99725 |           |

Frozen Lake MDP

env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v0')
init_state = env.reset()
goal_state = 15
P = env.env.P
V_best_v, pi_best_v = value_iteration(P, gamma=0.99)
print('Optimal policy and state-value function (VI):')
print_policy(pi_best_v, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, pi_best_v, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, pi_best_v)))
print_state_value_function(V_best_v, P, prec=4)
Optimal policy and state-value function (VI):
| 00      < | 01      ^ | 02      ^ | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      < |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      v | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      v |           |
Reaches goal 74.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.7400.

상태-가치 함수:
| 00  0.542 | 01 0.4988 | 02 0.4707 | 03 0.4569 |
| 04 0.5585 |           | 06 0.3583 |           |
| 08 0.5918 | 09 0.6431 | 10 0.6152 |           |
|           | 13 0.7417 | 14 0.8628 |           |
print('For comparison, optimal policy and state-value function (PI):')
print_policy(pi_best_p, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, pi_best_p, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, pi_best_p)))
print_state_value_function(V_best_p, P)
For comparison, optimal policy and state-value function (PI):
| 00      < | 01      ^ | 02      ^ | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      < |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      v | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      v |           |
Reaches goal 74.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.7400.

상태-가치 함수:
| 00  0.542 | 01  0.499 | 02  0.471 | 03  0.457 |
| 04  0.558 |           | 06  0.358 |           |
| 08  0.592 | 09  0.643 | 10  0.615 |           |
|           | 13  0.742 | 14  0.863 |           |

Changing the Frozen Lake environment MDP

env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v0')
P = env.env.P

# change reward function
reward_goal, reward_holes, reward_others = 1, -1, -0.01
goal, hole = 15, [5, 7, 11, 12]
for s in range(len(P)):
    for a in range(len(P[s])):
        for t in range(len(P[s][a])):
            values = list(P[s][a][t])
            if values[1] == goal:
                values[2] = reward_goal
                values[3] = False
            elif values[1] in hole:
                values[2] = reward_holes
                values[3] = False
                values[2] = reward_others
                values[3] = False
            if s in hole or s == goal:
                values[2] = 0
                values[3] = True
            P[s][a][t] = tuple(values)

# change transition function
prob_action, prob_drift_one, prob_drift_two = 0.8, 0.1, 0.1
for s in range(len(P)):
    for a in range(len(P[s])):
        for t in range(len(P[s][a])):
            if P[s][a][t][0] == 1.0:
            values = list(P[s][a][t])
            if t == 0:
                values[0] = prob_drift_one
            elif t == 1:
                values[0] = prob_action
            elif t == 2:
                values[0] = prob_drift_two
            P[s][a][t] = tuple(values)

env.env.P = P
V_best, pi_best = policy_iteration(env.env.P, gamma=0.99)
print('Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):')
print_policy(pi_best, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, pi_best, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, pi_best)))
print_state_value_function(V_best, P)
Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):
| 00      v | 01      ^ | 02      v | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      v |           |
| 08      > | 09      v | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      > |           |
Reaches goal 78.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.3657.

상태-가치 함수:
| 00  0.433 | 01  0.353 | 02  0.409 | 03   0.28 |
| 04  0.461 |           | 06   0.45 |           |
| 08  0.636 | 09  0.884 | 10  0.831 |           |
|           | 13  0.945 | 14  0.977 |           |
V_best, pi_best = value_iteration(env.env.P, gamma=0.99)
print('Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):')
print_policy(pi_best, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, pi_best, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, pi_best)))
print_state_value_function(V_best, P)
Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):
| 00      v | 01      ^ | 02      v | 03      ^ |
| 04      < |           | 06      v |           |
| 08      > | 09      v | 10      < |           |
|           | 13      > | 14      > |           |
Reaches goal 78.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.3657.

상태-가치 함수:
| 00  0.433 | 01  0.353 | 02  0.409 | 03   0.28 |
| 04  0.461 |           | 06   0.45 |           |
| 08  0.636 | 09  0.884 | 10  0.831 |           |
|           | 13  0.945 | 14  0.977 |           |

Russell & Norvig's Gridworld

env = gym.make('RussellNorvigGridworld-v0')
init_state = env.reset()
goal_state = 3
P = env.env.P
V_best_p, pi_best = policy_iteration(P)
print('Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):')
print_policy(pi_best, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, pi_best, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, pi_best)))
print_state_value_function(V_best_p, P)
Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):
| 00      > | 01      > | 02      > |           |
| 04      ^ |           | 06      ^ |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      < | 10      < | 11      < |
Reaches goal 96.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.6424.

상태-가치 함수:
| 00  0.812 | 01  0.868 | 02  0.918 |           |
| 04  0.762 |           | 06   0.66 |           |
| 08  0.705 | 09  0.655 | 10  0.611 | 11  0.388 |
V_best_v, pi_best = value_iteration(P)
print('Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):')
print_policy(pi_best, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, pi_best, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, pi_best)))
print_state_value_function(V_best_v, P)
Optimal policy and state-value function (PI):
| 00      > | 01      > | 02      > |           |
| 04      ^ |           | 06      ^ |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      < | 10      < | 11      < |
Reaches goal 96.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.6424.

상태-가치 함수:
| 00  0.812 | 01  0.868 | 02  0.918 |           |
| 04  0.762 |           | 06   0.66 |           |
| 08  0.705 | 09  0.655 | 10  0.611 | 11  0.388 |
LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP = range(4)
pi = lambda s: {
    0:RIGHT, 1:RIGHT, 2:RIGHT, 3:LEFT,
    4:UP, 5:LEFT, 6:UP, 7:LEFT,
    8:UP, 9:LEFT, 10:LEFT, 11:LEFT
print('Re-construct optimal policy:')
print_policy(pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of {:.4f}.'.format(
    probability_success(env, pi, goal_state=goal_state)*100, 
    mean_return(env, pi)))
Re-construct optimal policy:
| 00      > | 01      > | 02      > |           |
| 04      ^ |           | 06      ^ |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      < | 10      < | 11      < |
Reaches goal 96.00%. Obtains an average undiscounted return of 0.6424.
V = policy_evaluation(pi, P)
print('Evaluate optimal policy:')
print_state_value_function(V, P)
Evaluate optimal policy:
상태-가치 함수:
| 00  0.812 | 01  0.868 | 02  0.918 |           |
| 04  0.762 |           | 06   0.66 |           |
| 08  0.705 | 09  0.655 | 10  0.611 | 11  0.388 |
pi = policy_improvement(V, P)
print('Improve optimal policy (nothing to improve -- it is the same policy, because it is optimal):')
print_policy(pi, P)
Improve optimal policy (nothing to improve -- it is the same policy, because it is optimal):
| 00      > | 01      > | 02      > |           |
| 04      ^ |           | 06      ^ |           |
| 08      ^ | 09      < | 10      < | 11      < |
print('There are no differences, nothing to improve on the optimal policy and state-value function:')
print(np.abs(V_best_p - V))
print(np.abs(V_best_v - V))
There are no differences, nothing to improve on the optimal policy and state-value function:
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]