Evaluating Agents behaviors
그로킹 심층 강화학습 중 5장 내용인 "에이전트의 행동 평가"에 대한 내용입니다.
- 활성 정책 첫 방문 MC 예측, 활성 정책 모든 방문 MC 예측, TD, n단계 TD, TD(λ)
Note: 실행을 위해 아래의 패키지들을 설치해주기 바랍니다.
!pip install tqdm numpy scikit-learn pyglet setuptools && \
!pip install gym asciinema pandas tabulate tornado==5.* PyBullet && \
!pip install git+https://github.com/pybox2d/pybox2d#egg=Box2D && \
!pip install git+https://github.com/mimoralea/gym-bandits#egg=gym-bandits && \
!pip install git+https://github.com/mimoralea/gym-walk#egg=gym-walk && \
!pip install git+https://github.com/mimoralea/gym-aima#egg=gym-aima && \
!pip install gym[atari]
import warnings ; warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
import gym, gym_walk, gym_aima
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
from itertools import cycle, count
import random
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
SEEDS = (12, 34, 56, 78, 90)
%matplotlib inline
params = {
'figure.figsize': (15, 8),
'font.size': 24,
'legend.fontsize': 20,
'axes.titlesize': 28,
'axes.labelsize': 24,
'xtick.labelsize': 20,
'ytick.labelsize': 20
def policy_evaluation(pi, P, gamma=1.0, theta=1e-10):
prev_V = np.zeros(len(P), dtype=np.float64)
while True:
V = np.zeros(len(P), dtype=np.float64)
for s in range(len(P)):
for prob, next_state, reward, done in P[s][pi(s)]:
V[s] += prob * (reward + gamma * prev_V[next_state] * (not done))
if np.max(np.abs(prev_V - V)) < theta:
prev_V = V.copy()
return V
def print_policy(pi, P, action_symbols=('<', 'v', '>', '^'), n_cols=4, title='정책:'):
arrs = {k:v for k,v in enumerate(action_symbols)}
for s in range(len(P)):
a = pi(s)
print("| ", end="")
if np.all([done for action in P[s].values() for _, _, _, done in action]):
print("".rjust(9), end=" ")
print(str(s).zfill(2), arrs[a].rjust(6), end=" ")
if (s + 1) % n_cols == 0: print("|")
def print_state_value_function(V, P, n_cols=4, prec=3, title='상태-가치 함수:'):
for s in range(len(P)):
v = V[s]
print("| ", end="")
if np.all([done for action in P[s].values() for _, _, _, done in action]):
print("".rjust(9), end=" ")
print(str(s).zfill(2), '{}'.format(np.round(v, prec)).rjust(6), end=" ")
if (s + 1) % n_cols == 0: print("|")
def print_action_value_function(Q,
action_symbols=('<', '>'),
title='행동-가치 함수:'):
vf_types=('',) if optimal_Q is None else ('', '*', 'er')
headers = ['s',] + [' '.join(i) for i in list(itertools.product(vf_types, action_symbols))]
states = np.arange(len(Q))[..., np.newaxis]
arr = np.hstack((states, np.round(Q, prec)))
if not (optimal_Q is None):
arr = np.hstack((arr, np.round(optimal_Q, prec), np.round(optimal_Q-Q, prec)))
print(tabulate(arr, headers, tablefmt="fancy_grid"))
def probability_success(env, pi, goal_state, n_episodes=100, max_steps=200):
random.seed(123); np.random.seed(123) ; env.seed(123)
results = []
for _ in range(n_episodes):
state, done, steps = env.reset(), False, 0
while not done and steps < max_steps:
state, _, done, h = env.step(pi(state))
steps += 1
results.append(state == goal_state)
return np.sum(results)/len(results)*100
def mean_return(env, gamma, pi, n_episodes=100, max_steps=200):
random.seed(123); np.random.seed(123) ; env.seed(123)
results = []
for _ in range(n_episodes):
state, done, steps = env.reset(), False, 0
while not done and steps < max_steps:
state, reward, done, _ = env.step(pi(state))
results[-1] += (gamma**steps * reward)
steps += 1
return np.mean(results)
def rmse(x, y, dp=4):
return np.round(np.sqrt(np.mean((x - y)**2)), dp)
def plot_value_function(title, V_track, V_true=None, log=False, limit_value=0.05, limit_items=5):
per_col = 25
linecycler = cycle(["-","--",":","-."])
legends = []
valid_values = np.argwhere(V_track[-1] > limit_value).squeeze()
items_idxs = np.random.choice(valid_values,
min(len(valid_values), limit_items),
# draw the true values first
if V_true is not None:
for i, state in enumerate(V_track.T):
if i not in items_idxs:
if state[-1] < limit_value:
label = 'v({})'.format(i)
plt.axhline(y=V_true[i], color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
plt.text(int(len(V_track)*1.02), V_true[i]+.01, label)
# then the estimates
for i, state in enumerate(V_track.T):
if i not in items_idxs:
if state[-1] < limit_value:
line_type = next(linecycler)
label = 'V({})'.format(i)
p, = plt.plot(state, line_type, label=label, linewidth=3)
ls = []
for loc, idx in enumerate(range(0, len(legends), per_col)):
subset = legends[idx:idx+per_col]
l = plt.legend(subset, [p.get_label() for p in subset],
loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.25, 0.5))
[plt.gca().add_artist(l) for l in ls[:-1]]
if log: plt.xscale('log')
plt.ylabel('State-value function')
plt.xlabel('Episodes (log scale)' if log else 'Episodes')
def plot_targets(targets, init_state, title):
x = range(len(targets[init_state]))
y = targets[init_state]
label = 'v({})'.format(init_state)
plt.axhline(y=V_true[init_state], color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
plt.text(int(x[-1]*1.02), V_true[init_state]+.01, label)
plt.scatter(x, y,
plt.ylabel('Target value')
plt.xlabel('Estimate sequence number')
def decay_schedule(init_value, min_value, decay_ratio, max_steps, log_start=-2, log_base=10):
decay_steps = int(max_steps * decay_ratio)
rem_steps = max_steps - decay_steps
values = np.logspace(log_start, 0, decay_steps, base=log_base, endpoint=True)[::-1]
values = (values - values.min()) / (values.max() - values.min())
values = (init_value - min_value) * values + min_value
values = np.pad(values, (0, rem_steps), 'edge')
return values
plt.plot(decay_schedule(0.5, 0.01, 0.5, 500))
plt.title('Exponentially decaying schedule (for alpha)')
env = gym.make('RandomWalk-v0')
init_state = env.reset()
goal_state = 6
gamma = 1.0
n_episodes = 500
P = env.env.P
LEFT, RIGHT = range(2)
pi = lambda s: {
V_true = policy_evaluation(pi, P, gamma=gamma)
print_state_value_function(V_true, P, n_cols=7)
print_policy(pi, P, action_symbols=('<', '>'), n_cols=7)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average return of {:.4f}.'.format(
probability_success(env, pi, goal_state=goal_state),
mean_return(env, gamma, pi)))
def generate_trajectory(pi, env, max_steps=200):
done, trajectory = False, []
while not done:
state = env.reset()
for t in count():
action = pi(state)
next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
experience = (state, action, reward, next_state, done)
if done:
if t >= max_steps - 1:
trajectory = []
state = next_state
return np.array(trajectory, np.object)
def mc_prediction(pi,
nS = env.observation_space.n
discounts = np.logspace(0,
alphas = decay_schedule(init_alpha,
V = np.zeros(nS, dtype=np.float64)
V_track = np.zeros((n_episodes, nS), dtype=np.float64)
targets = {state:[] for state in range(nS)}
for e in tqdm(range(n_episodes), leave=False):
trajectory = generate_trajectory(pi,
visited = np.zeros(nS, dtype=np.bool)
for t, (state, _, reward, _, _) in enumerate(trajectory):
if visited[state] and first_visit:
visited[state] = True
n_steps = len(trajectory[t:])
G = np.sum(discounts[:n_steps] * trajectory[t:, 2])
mc_error = G - V[state]
V[state] = V[state] + alphas[e] * mc_error
V_track[e] = V
return V.copy(), V_track, targets
V_fvmcs, V_track_fvmcs = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_fvmc, V_track_fvmc, targets_fvmc = mc_prediction(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes)
V_fvmcs.append(V_fvmc) ; V_track_fvmcs.append(V_track_fvmc)
V_fvmc, V_track_fvmc = np.mean(V_fvmcs, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_fvmcs, axis=0)
del V_fvmcs ; del V_track_fvmcs
print_state_value_function(V_fvmc, P, n_cols=7)
print_state_value_function(V_fvmc - V_true, P, n_cols=7, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_fvmc, V_true))
plot_value_function('FVMC estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_fvmc, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('FVMC estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_fvmc, V_true, log=True)
V_evmcs, V_track_evmcs = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_evmc, V_track_evmc, targets_evmc = mc_prediction(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes, first_visit=False)
V_evmcs.append(V_evmc) ; V_track_evmcs.append(V_track_evmc)
V_evmc, V_track_evmc = np.mean(V_evmcs, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_evmcs, axis=0)
del V_evmcs ; del V_track_evmcs
print_state_value_function(V_evmc, P, n_cols=7)
print_state_value_function(V_evmc - V_true, P, n_cols=7, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_evmc, V_true))
plot_value_function('EVMC estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_evmc, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('EVMC estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_evmc, V_true, log=True)
def td(pi,
nS = env.observation_space.n
V = np.zeros(nS, dtype=np.float64)
V_track = np.zeros((n_episodes, nS), dtype=np.float64)
targets = {state:[] for state in range(nS)}
alphas = decay_schedule(
init_alpha, min_alpha,
alpha_decay_ratio, n_episodes)
for e in tqdm(range(n_episodes), leave=False):
state, done = env.reset(), False
while not done:
action = pi(state)
next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
td_target = reward + gamma * V[next_state] * (not done)
td_error = td_target - V[state]
V[state] = V[state] + alphas[e] * td_error
state = next_state
V_track[e] = V
return V, V_track, targets
V_tds, V_track_tds = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_td, V_track_td, targets_td = td(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes)
V_tds.append(V_td) ; V_track_tds.append(V_track_td)
V_td, V_track_td = np.mean(V_tds, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_tds, axis=0)
del V_tds ; del V_track_tds
print_state_value_function(V_td, P, n_cols=7)
print_state_value_function(V_td - V_true, P, n_cols=7, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_td, V_true))
plot_value_function('TD estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_td, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('TD estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_td, V_true, log=True)
plot_value_function('FVMC estimates through time (close up)', V_track_fvmc[:20], None, log=False)
plot_value_function('EVMC estimates through time (close up)', V_track_evmc[:20], None, log=False)
plot_value_function('TD estimates through time (close up)', V_track_td[:20], None, log=False)
plot_targets(targets_fvmc, init_state, title='FVMC target sequence')
plot_targets(targets_evmc, init_state, title='EVMC target sequence')
plot_targets(targets_td, init_state, title='TD target sequence')
def ntd(pi,
nS = env.observation_space.n
V = np.zeros(nS, dtype=np.float64)
V_track = np.zeros((n_episodes, nS), dtype=np.float64)
discounts = np.logspace(0, n_step+1, num=n_step+1, base=gamma, endpoint=False)
alphas = decay_schedule(
init_alpha, min_alpha,
alpha_decay_ratio, n_episodes)
for e in tqdm(range(n_episodes), leave=False):
state, done, path = env.reset(), False, []
while not done or path is not None:
path = path[1:]
while not done and len(path) < n_step:
action = pi(state)
next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
experience = (state, reward, next_state, done)
state = next_state
if done:
n = len(path)
est_state = path[0][0]
rewards = np.array(path)[:,1]
partial_return = discounts[:n] * rewards
bs_val = discounts[-1] * V[next_state] * (not done)
ntd_target = np.sum(np.append(partial_return, bs_val))
ntd_error = ntd_target - V[est_state]
V[est_state] = V[est_state] + alphas[e] * ntd_error
if len(path) == 1 and path[0][3]:
path = None
V_track[e] = V
return V, V_track
V_ntds, V_track_ntds = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_ntd, V_track_ntd = ntd(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes)
V_ntds.append(V_ntd) ; V_track_ntds.append(V_track_ntd)
V_ntd, V_track_ntd = np.mean(V_ntds, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_ntds, axis=0)
del V_ntds ; del V_track_ntds
print_state_value_function(V_ntd, P, n_cols=7)
print_state_value_function(V_ntd - V_true, P, n_cols=7, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_ntd, V_true))
plot_value_function('n-step TD estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_ntd, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('n-step TD estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_ntd, V_true, log=True)
plot_value_function('n-step TD estimates through time (close up)', V_track_ntd[:20], None, log=False)
def td_lambda(pi,
nS = env.observation_space.n
V = np.zeros(nS, dtype=np.float64)
E = np.zeros(nS, dtype=np.float64)
V_track = np.zeros((n_episodes, nS), dtype=np.float64)
alphas = decay_schedule(
init_alpha, min_alpha,
alpha_decay_ratio, n_episodes)
for e in tqdm(range(n_episodes), leave=False):
state, done = env.reset(), False
while not done:
action = pi(state)
next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
td_target = reward + gamma * V[next_state] * (not done)
td_error = td_target - V[state]
E[state] = E[state] + 1
V = V + alphas[e] * td_error * E
E = gamma * lambda_ * E
state = next_state
V_track[e] = V
return V, V_track
V_tdls, V_track_tdls = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_tdl, V_track_tdl = td_lambda(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes)
V_tdls.append(V_tdl) ; V_track_tdls.append(V_track_tdl)
V_tdl, V_track_tdl = np.mean(V_tdls, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_tdls, axis=0)
del V_tdls ; del V_track_tdls
print_state_value_function(V_tdl, P, n_cols=7)
print_state_value_function(V_tdl - V_true, P, n_cols=7, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_tdl, V_true))
plot_value_function('TD(λ) estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_tdl, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('TD(λ) estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_tdl, V_true, log=True)
plot_value_function('TD(λ) estimates through time (close up)', V_track_tdl[:20], None, log=False)
env = gym.make('RussellNorvigGridworld-v0')
init_state = env.reset()
goal_state = 3
gamma = 1.0
n_episodes = 1000
P = env.env.P
LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP = range(4)
pi = lambda s: {
4:UP, 5:LEFT, 6:UP, 7:LEFT,
8:UP, 9:LEFT, 10:LEFT, 11:LEFT
V_true = policy_evaluation(pi, P, gamma=gamma)
print_state_value_function(V_true, P)
print_policy(pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average return of {:.4f}.'.format(
probability_success(env, pi, goal_state=goal_state),
mean_return(env, gamma, pi)))
V_fvmcs, V_track_fvmcs = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_fvmc, V_track_fvmc, targets_fvmc = mc_prediction(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes)
V_fvmcs.append(V_fvmc) ; V_track_fvmcs.append(V_track_fvmc)
V_fvmc, V_track_fvmc = np.mean(V_fvmcs, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_fvmcs, axis=0)
del V_fvmcs ; del V_track_fvmcs
print_state_value_function(V_fvmc, P)
print_state_value_function(V_fvmc - V_true, P, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_fvmc, V_true))
V_evmcs, V_track_evmcs = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_evmc, V_track_evmc, targets_evmc = mc_prediction(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes, first_visit=False)
V_evmcs.append(V_evmc) ; V_track_evmcs.append(V_track_evmc)
V_evmc, V_track_evmc = np.mean(V_evmcs, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_evmcs, axis=0)
del V_evmcs ; del V_track_evmcs
print_state_value_function(V_evmc, P)
print_state_value_function(V_evmc - V_true, P, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_evmc, V_true))
V_tds, V_track_tds = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_td, V_track_td, targets_td = td(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes)
V_tds.append(V_td) ; V_track_tds.append(V_track_td)
V_td, V_track_td = np.mean(V_tds, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_tds, axis=0)
del V_tds ; del V_track_tds
print_state_value_function(V_td, P)
print_state_value_function(V_td - V_true, P, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_td, V_true))
V_ntds, V_track_ntds = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_ntd, V_track_ntd = ntd(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes)
V_ntds.append(V_ntd) ; V_track_ntds.append(V_track_ntd)
V_ntd, V_track_ntd = np.mean(V_ntds, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_ntds, axis=0)
del V_ntds ; del V_track_ntds
print_state_value_function(V_ntd, P)
print_state_value_function(V_ntd - V_true, P, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_ntd, V_true))
V_tdls, V_track_tdls = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_tdl, V_track_tdl = td_lambda(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes)
V_tdls.append(V_tdl) ; V_track_tdls.append(V_track_tdl)
V_tdl, V_track_tdl = np.mean(V_tdls, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_tdls, axis=0)
del V_tdls ; del V_track_tdls
print_state_value_function(V_tdl, P)
print_state_value_function(V_tdl - V_true, P, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_tdl, V_true))
plot_value_function('FVMC estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_fvmc, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('EVMC estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_evmc, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('TD estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_td, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('n-step TD estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_ntd, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('TD(λ) estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_tdl, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('FVMC estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_fvmc, V_true, log=True)
plot_value_function('EVMC estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_evmc, V_true, log=True)
plot_value_function('TD estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_td, V_true, log=True)
plot_value_function('n-step TD estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_ntd, V_true, log=True)
plot_value_function('TD(λ) estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_tdl, V_true, log=True)
plot_value_function('FVMC estimates through time (close up)', V_track_fvmc[:50], None, log=False)
plot_value_function('EVMC estimates through time (close up)', V_track_evmc[:50], None, log=False)
plot_value_function('TD estimates through time (close up)', V_track_td[:50], None, log=False)
plot_value_function('n-step TD estimates through time (close up)', V_track_ntd[:50], None, log=False)
plot_value_function('TD(λ) estimates through time (close up)', V_track_tdl[:50], None, log=False)
plot_targets(targets_fvmc, init_state, title='FVMC target sequence')
plot_targets(targets_evmc, init_state, title='EVMC target sequence')
plot_targets(targets_td, init_state, title='TD target sequence')
env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v0')
init_state = env.reset()
goal_state = 15
gamma = 0.99
n_episodes = 2500
P = env.env.P
LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP = range(4)
pi = lambda s: {
0:LEFT, 1:UP, 2:UP, 3:UP,
8:UP, 9:DOWN, 10:LEFT, 11:LEFT,
12:LEFT, 13:RIGHT, 14:DOWN, 15:LEFT
V_true = policy_evaluation(pi, P, gamma=gamma)
print_state_value_function(V_true, P)
print_policy(pi, P)
print('Reaches goal {:.2f}%. Obtains an average return of {:.4f}.'.format(
probability_success(env, pi, goal_state=goal_state),
mean_return(env, gamma, pi)))
V_fvmcs, V_track_fvmcs = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_fvmc, V_track_fvmc, targets_fvmc = mc_prediction(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes)
V_fvmcs.append(V_fvmc) ; V_track_fvmcs.append(V_track_fvmc)
V_fvmc, V_track_fvmc = np.mean(V_fvmcs, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_fvmcs, axis=0)
del V_fvmcs ; del V_track_fvmcs
print_state_value_function(V_fvmc, P)
print_state_value_function(V_fvmc - V_true, P, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_fvmc, V_true))
V_evmcs, V_track_evmcs = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_evmc, V_track_evmc, targets_evmc = mc_prediction(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes, first_visit=False)
V_evmcs.append(V_evmc) ; V_track_evmcs.append(V_track_evmc)
V_evmc, V_track_evmc = np.mean(V_evmcs, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_evmcs, axis=0)
del V_evmcs ; del V_track_evmcs
print_state_value_function(V_evmc, P)
print_state_value_function(V_evmc - V_true, P, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_evmc, V_true))
V_tds, V_track_tds = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_td, V_track_td, targets_td = td(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes)
V_tds.append(V_td) ; V_track_tds.append(V_track_td)
V_td, V_track_td = np.mean(V_tds, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_tds, axis=0)
del V_tds ; del V_track_tds
print_state_value_function(V_td, P)
print_state_value_function(V_td - V_true, P, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_td, V_true))
V_ntds, V_track_ntds = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_ntd, V_track_ntd = ntd(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes)
V_ntds.append(V_ntd) ; V_track_ntds.append(V_track_ntd)
V_ntd, V_track_ntd = np.mean(V_ntds, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_ntds, axis=0)
del V_ntds ; del V_track_ntds
print_state_value_function(V_ntd, P)
print_state_value_function(V_ntd - V_true, P, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_ntd, V_true))
V_tdls, V_track_tdls = [], []
for seed in tqdm(SEEDS, desc='All seeds', leave=True):
random.seed(seed); np.random.seed(seed) ; env.seed(seed)
V_tdl, V_track_tdl = td_lambda(pi, env, gamma=gamma, n_episodes=n_episodes)
V_tdls.append(V_tdl) ; V_track_tdls.append(V_track_tdl)
V_tdl, V_track_tdl = np.mean(V_tdls, axis=0), np.mean(V_track_tdls, axis=0)
del V_tdls ; del V_track_tdls
print_state_value_function(V_tdl, P)
print_state_value_function(V_tdl - V_true, P, title='State-value function errors:')
print('RMSE:', rmse(V_tdl, V_true))
plot_value_function('FVMC estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_fvmc, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('EVMC estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_evmc, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('TD estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_td, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('n-step TD estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_ntd, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('TD(λ) estimates through time vs. true values', V_track_tdl, V_true, log=False)
plot_value_function('FVMC estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_fvmc, V_true, log=True)
plot_value_function('EVMC estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_evmc, V_true, log=True)
plot_value_function('TD estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_td, V_true, log=True)
plot_value_function('n-step TD estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_ntd, V_true, log=True)
plot_value_function('TD(λ) estimates through time vs. true values (log scale)', V_track_tdl, V_true, log=True)
plot_value_function('FVMC estimates through time (close up)', V_track_fvmc[:100], None, log=False)
plot_value_function('EVMC estimates through time (close up)', V_track_evmc[:100], None, log=False)
plot_value_function('TD estimates through time (close up)', V_track_td[:100], None, log=False)
plot_value_function('n-step TD estimates through time (close up)', V_track_ntd[:100], None, log=False)
plot_value_function('TD(λ) estimates through time (close up)', V_track_tdl[:100], None, log=False)
plot_targets(targets_fvmc, init_state, title='FVMC target sequence')
plot_targets(targets_evmc, init_state, title='EVMC target sequence')
plot_targets(targets_td, init_state, title='TD target sequence')