Stanford Open Policing Project dataset

Examining the dataset

import pandas as pd

# Read 'police.csv' into a DataFrame named ri
ri = pd.read_csv('./dataset/police.csv')

# Examine the head of the DataFrame

# Count the number of missing values in each column
  state   stop_date stop_time  county_name driver_gender driver_race  \
0    RI  2005-01-04     12:55          NaN             M       White   
1    RI  2005-01-23     23:15          NaN             M       White   
2    RI  2005-02-17     04:15          NaN             M       White   
3    RI  2005-02-20     17:15          NaN             M       White   
4    RI  2005-02-24     01:20          NaN             F       White   

                    violation_raw  violation  search_conducted search_type  \
0  Equipment/Inspection Violation  Equipment             False         NaN   
1                        Speeding   Speeding             False         NaN   
2                        Speeding   Speeding             False         NaN   
3                Call for Service      Other             False         NaN   
4                        Speeding   Speeding             False         NaN   

    stop_outcome is_arrested stop_duration  drugs_related_stop district  
0       Citation       False      0-15 Min               False  Zone X4  
1       Citation       False      0-15 Min               False  Zone K3  
2       Citation       False      0-15 Min               False  Zone X4  
3  Arrest Driver        True     16-30 Min               False  Zone X1  
4       Citation       False      0-15 Min               False  Zone X3  
state                     0
stop_date                 0
stop_time                 0
county_name           91741
driver_gender          5205
driver_race            5202
violation_raw          5202
violation              5202
search_conducted          0
search_type           88434
stop_outcome           5202
is_arrested            5202
stop_duration          5202
drugs_related_stop        0
district                  0
dtype: int64

Dropping columns


# Drop the 'country_name' and 'state' columns
ri.drop(['county_name', 'state'], axis='columns', inplace=True)

# Examine the shape of the DataFrame (again)
(91741, 15)
(91741, 13)

Dropping rows


# Drop all rows that are missing 'driver_gender'
ri.dropna(subset=['driver_gender'], inplace=True)

# Count the number of missing values in each column (again)

# Examine the shape of the DataFrame
stop_date                 0
stop_time                 0
driver_gender          5205
driver_race            5202
violation_raw          5202
violation              5202
search_conducted          0
search_type           88434
stop_outcome           5202
is_arrested            5202
stop_duration          5202
drugs_related_stop        0
district                  0
dtype: int64
stop_date                 0
stop_time                 0
driver_gender             0
driver_race               0
violation_raw             0
violation                 0
search_conducted          0
search_type           83229
stop_outcome              0
is_arrested               0
stop_duration             0
drugs_related_stop        0
district                  0
dtype: int64
(86536, 13)

Using proper data types

Finding an incorrect data type

stop_date             object
stop_time             object
driver_gender         object
driver_race           object
violation_raw         object
violation             object
search_conducted        bool
search_type           object
stop_outcome          object
is_arrested           object
stop_duration         object
drugs_related_stop      bool
district              object
dtype: object

Fixing a data type


# Change the data type of 'is_arrested' to 'bool'
ri['is_arrested'] = ri.is_arrested.astype('bool')

# Check the data type of 'is_arrested' 
0    False
1    False
2    False
3     True
4    False
Name: is_arrested, dtype: object

Creating a DatetimeIndex

Combining object columns

combined =, sep=' ')

# Convert 'combined' to datetime format
ri['stop_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(combined)

# Examine the data types of the DataFrame
stop_date                     object
stop_time                     object
driver_gender                 object
driver_race                   object
violation_raw                 object
violation                     object
search_conducted                bool
search_type                   object
stop_outcome                  object
is_arrested                     bool
stop_duration                 object
drugs_related_stop              bool
district                      object
stop_datetime         datetime64[ns]
dtype: object

Setting the index

ri.set_index('stop_datetime', inplace=True)

# Examine the index

# Examine the columns
DatetimeIndex(['2005-01-04 12:55:00', '2005-01-23 23:15:00',
               '2005-02-17 04:15:00', '2005-02-20 17:15:00',
               '2005-02-24 01:20:00', '2005-03-14 10:00:00',
               '2005-03-29 21:55:00', '2005-04-04 21:25:00',
               '2005-07-14 11:20:00', '2005-07-14 19:55:00',
               '2015-12-31 13:23:00', '2015-12-31 18:59:00',
               '2015-12-31 19:13:00', '2015-12-31 20:20:00',
               '2015-12-31 20:50:00', '2015-12-31 21:21:00',
               '2015-12-31 21:59:00', '2015-12-31 22:04:00',
               '2015-12-31 22:09:00', '2015-12-31 22:47:00'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='stop_datetime', length=86536, freq=None)
Index(['stop_date', 'stop_time', 'driver_gender', 'driver_race',
       'violation_raw', 'violation', 'search_conducted', 'search_type',
       'stop_outcome', 'is_arrested', 'stop_duration', 'drugs_related_stop',