import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

Basics of k-means clustering

  • Why k-means clustering?
    • A critical drawback of hierarchical clustering: runtime
    • K means runs significantly fater on large datasets
  • K-means clustering
    • Generate cluster centers
    • Generate cluster labels

K-means clustering: first exercise

This exercise will familiarize you with the usage of k-means clustering on a dataset. Let us use the Comic Con dataset and check how k-means clustering works on it.

Recall the two steps of k-means clustering:

  • Define cluster centers through kmeans() function. It has two required arguments: observations and number of clusters.
  • Assign cluster labels through the vq() function. It has two required arguments: observations and cluster centers.
  • Preprocess
comic_con = pd.read_csv('./dataset/comic_con.csv', index_col=0)
x_coordinate y_coordinate
0 17 4
1 20 6
2 35 0
3 14 0
4 37 4
from scipy.cluster.vq import whiten

comic_con['x_scaled'] = whiten(comic_con['x_coordinate'])
comic_con['y_scaled'] = whiten(comic_con['y_coordinate'])
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans, vq

# Generate cluster centers
cluster_centers, distortions = kmeans(comic_con[['x_scaled', 'y_scaled']], 2)

# Assign cluster labels
comic_con['cluster_labels'], distortion_list = vq(comic_con[['x_scaled', 'y_scaled']], cluster_centers)

# Plot clusters
sns.scatterplot(x='x_scaled', y='y_scaled', hue='cluster_labels', data=comic_con);

Runtime of k-means clustering

Recall that it took a significantly long time to run hierarchical clustering. How long does it take to run the kmeans() function on the FIFA dataset?

  • Preprocess
fifa = pd.read_csv('./dataset/fifa_18_dataset.csv')
sliding_tackle aggression
0 23 63
1 26 48
2 33 56
3 38 78
4 11 29
fifa['scaled_sliding_tackle'] = whiten(fifa['sliding_tackle'])
fifa['scaled_aggression'] = whiten(fifa['aggression'])
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage

%timeit linkage(fifa[['scaled_sliding_tackle', 'scaled_aggression']], method='ward')
7.19 s ± 10.3 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit kmeans(fifa[['scaled_sliding_tackle', 'scaled_aggression']], 2)
69 ms ± 1.21 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

How many clusters?

  • How to find the right k?
    • No absolute method to find right number of clusters(k) in k-means clustering
    • Elbow method
  • Distortion distortion
    • sum of squared distances of points from cluster centers
    • Decreases with an increasing number of clusters
    • Becomes zero when the number of clusters equals the numbers of points
    • Elbow plot: line plot between cluster centers and distortion
  • Elbow method
    • Elbow plot helps indicate number of clusters present in data
    • Only gives an indication of optimal k
    • Does not always pinpoint how many k
    • Other methods : average silhouette, gap statistic

Elbow method on distinct clusters

Let us use the comic con data set to see how the elbow plot looks on a data set with distinct, well-defined clusters. You may want to display the data points before proceeding with the exercise.

distortions = []
num_clusters = range(1, 7)

# Create a list of distortions from the kmeans function
for i in num_clusters:
    cluster_centers, distortion = kmeans(comic_con[['x_scaled', 'y_scaled']], i)
# Create a data frame with two lists - num_clusters, distortions
elbow_plot = pd.DataFrame({'num_clusters': num_clusters, 'distortions': distortions})

# Create a line plot of num_clusters and distortions
sns.lineplot(x='num_clusters', y='distortions', data=elbow_plot);

Elbow method on uniform data

In the earlier exercise, you constructed an elbow plot on data with well-defined clusters. Let us now see how the elbow plot looks on a data set with uniformly distributed points. You may want to display the data points on the console before proceeding with the exercise.

  • Preprocess
uniform_data = pd.read_csv('./dataset/uniform_data.csv', index_col=0)
x_coordinate y_coordinate
0 39 3
1 42 7
2 58 3
3 43 3
4 13 6
uniform_data['x_scaled'] = whiten(uniform_data['x_coordinate'])
uniform_data['y_scaled'] = whiten(uniform_data['y_coordinate'])
distortions = []
num_clusters = range(2, 7)

# Create a list of distortions from the kmeans function
for i in num_clusters:
    cluster_centers, distortion = kmeans(uniform_data[['x_scaled', 'y_scaled']], i)
# Create a data frame with two lists - num_clusters, distortions
elbow_plot = pd.DataFrame({'num_clusters': num_clusters, 'distortions': distortions})

# Create a line plot of num_clusters and distortions
sns.lineplot(x='num_clusters', y='distortions', data=elbow_plot);

Limitations of k-means clustering

  • Limitations of k-means clustering
    • How to find the right K
    • Impact of seeds
    • Biased towards equal sized clusters

Impact of seeds on distinct clusters

You noticed the impact of seeds on a dataset that did not have well-defined groups of clusters. In this exercise, you will explore whether seeds impact the clusters in the Comic Con data, where the clusters are well-defined.


# Run kmeans clustering
cluster_centers, distortion = kmeans(comic_con[['x_scaled', 'y_scaled']], 2)
comic_con['cluster_labels'], distortion_list = vq(comic_con[['x_scaled', 'y_scaled']], cluster_centers)

# Plot the scatterplot
sns.scatterplot(x='x_scaled', y='y_scaled', hue='cluster_labels', data=comic_con);
np.random.seed([1, 2, 1000])

# Run kmeans clustering
cluster_centers, distortion = kmeans(comic_con[['x_scaled', 'y_scaled']], 2)
comic_con['cluster_labels'], distortion_list = vq(comic_con[['x_scaled', 'y_scaled']], cluster_centers)

# Plot the scatterplot
sns.scatterplot(x='x_scaled', y='y_scaled', hue='cluster_labels', data=comic_con);

Uniform clustering patterns

Now that you are familiar with the impact of seeds, let us look at the bias in k-means clustering towards the formation of uniform clusters.

Let us use a mouse-like dataset for our next exercise. A mouse-like dataset is a group of points that resemble the head of a mouse: it has three clusters of points arranged in circles, one each for the face and two ears of a mouse.

  • preprocess
mouse = pd.read_csv('./dataset/mouse.csv', index_col=0)
x_coordinate y_coordinate
0 33.875528 44.893421
1 38.208748 41.116327
2 35.740588 57.418006
3 32.546963 57.218082
4 62.063146 47.196944
mouse['x_scaled'] = whiten(mouse['x_coordinate'])
mouse['y_scaled'] = whiten(mouse['y_coordinate'])
cluster_centers, distortion = kmeans(mouse[['x_scaled', 'y_scaled']], 3)

# Assign cluster labels
mouse['cluster_labels'], distortion_list = vq(mouse[['x_scaled', 'y_scaled']], cluster_centers)

# Plot clusters
sns.scatterplot(x='x_scaled', y='y_scaled', hue='cluster_labels', data=mouse);

FIFA 18: defenders revisited

In the FIFA 18 dataset, various attributes of players are present. Two such attributes are:

  • defending: a number which signifies the defending attributes of a player
  • physical: a number which signifies the physical attributes of a player

These are typically defense-minded players. In this exercise, you will perform clustering based on these attributes in the data.

  • Preprocess
fifa = pd.read_csv('./dataset/fifa_18_sample_data.csv')
ID name full_name club club_logo special age league birth_date height_cm ... prefers_cb prefers_lb prefers_lwb prefers_ls prefers_lf prefers_lam prefers_lcm prefers_ldm prefers_lcb prefers_gk
0 20801 Cristiano Ronaldo C. Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Real Madrid CF 2228 32 Spanish Primera División 1985-02-05 185.0 ... False False False False False False False False False False
1 158023 L. Messi Lionel Messi FC Barcelona 2158 30 Spanish Primera División 1987-06-24 170.0 ... False False False False False False False False False False
2 190871 Neymar Neymar da Silva Santos Jr. Paris Saint-Germain 2100 25 French Ligue 1 1992-02-05 175.0 ... False False False False False False False False False False
3 176580 L. Suárez Luis Suárez FC Barcelona 2291 30 Spanish Primera División 1987-01-24 182.0 ... False False False False False False False False False False
4 167495 M. Neuer Manuel Neuer FC Bayern Munich 1493 31 German Bundesliga 1986-03-27 193.0 ... False False False False False False False False False True

5 rows × 185 columns

fifa = fifa[['def', 'phy']].copy()
fifa['scaled_def'] = whiten(fifa['def'])
fifa['scaled_phy'] = whiten(fifa['phy'])
np.random.seed([1000, 2000])

# Fit the data into a k-means algorithm
cluster_centers, _ = kmeans(fifa[['scaled_def', 'scaled_phy']], 3)

# Assign cluster labels
fifa['cluster_labels'], _ = vq(fifa[['scaled_def', 'scaled_phy']], cluster_centers)

# Display cluster centers
print(fifa[['scaled_def', 'scaled_phy', 'cluster_labels']].groupby('cluster_labels').mean())

# Create a scatter plot through seaborn
sns.scatterplot(x='scaled_def', y='scaled_phy', hue='cluster_labels', data=fifa);
                scaled_def  scaled_phy
0                 1.948298    7.163234
1                 3.817844    9.020452
2                 2.072803    9.066327