Feature Engineering
In this section you'll learn about feature engineering. You'll explore different ways to create new, more useful, features from the ones already in your dataset. You'll see how to encode, aggregate, and extract information from both numerical and textual features. This is the Summary of lecture "Preprocessing for Machine Learning in Python", via datacamp.
- Feature engineering
- Encoding categorical variables
- Engineering numerical features
- Text classification
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
volunteer = pd.read_csv('./dataset/volunteer_opportunities.csv')
Encoding categorical variables - binary
Take a look at the hiking
dataset. There are several columns here that need encoding, one of which is the Accessible
column, which needs to be encoded in order to be modeled. Accessible is a binary feature, so it has two values - either Y
or N
- so it needs to be encoded into 1s and 0s. Use scikit-learn's LabelEncoder
method to do that transformation.
hiking = pd.read_json('./dataset/hiking.json')
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
# Set up the LabelEncoder object
enc = LabelEncoder()
# Apply the encoding to the "Accessible" column
hiking['Accessible_enc'] = enc.fit_transform(hiking['Accessible'])
# Compare the two columns
hiking[['Accessible', 'Accessible_enc']].head()
Encoding categorical variables - one-hot
One of the columns in the volunteer
dataset, category_desc
, gives category descriptions for the volunteer opportunities listed. Because it is a categorical variable with more than two categories, we need to use one-hot encoding to transform this column numerically. Use Pandas' get_dummies()
function to do so.
category_enc = pd.get_dummies(volunteer['category_desc'])
# Take a look at the encoded columns
running_times_5k = pd.read_csv('./dataset/running_times_5k.csv')
run_columns = ['run1', 'run2', 'run3', 'run4', 'run5']
# Use apply to create a mean column
running_times_5k['mean'] = running_times_5k.apply(lambda row: row[run_columns].mean(), axis=1)
# Take a look at the results
volunteer['start_date_converted'] = pd.to_datetime(volunteer['start_date_date'])
# Extract just the month from the converted column
volunteer['start_date_month'] = volunteer['start_date_converted'].apply(lambda row: row.month)
# Take a look at the converted and new month columns
volunteer[['start_date_converted', 'start_date_month']].head()
Engineering features from strings - extraction
The Length
column in the hiking
dataset is a column of strings, but contained in the column is the mileage for the hike. We're going to extract this mileage using regular expressions, and then use a lambda in Pandas to apply the extraction to the DataFrame.
import re
# Write a pattern to extract numbers and decimals
def return_mileage(length):
pattern = re.compile(r'\d+\.\d+')
if length == None:
# Search the text for matches
mile = re.match(pattern, length)
# If a value is returned, use group(0) to return the found value
if mile is not None:
return float(mile.group(0))
# Apply the function to the Length column and take a look at both columns
hiking['Length_num'] = hiking['Length'].apply(lambda row: return_mileage(row))
hiking[['Length', 'Length_num']].head()
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
# Need to drop NaN for train_test_split
volunteer = pd.read_csv('./dataset/volunteer_opportunities.csv')
volunteer = volunteer.dropna(subset=['category_desc'], axis=0)
# Take the title text
title_text = volunteer['title']
# Create the vectorizer method
tfidf_vec = TfidfVectorizer()
# Transform the text into tf-idf vectors
text_tfidf = tfidf_vec.fit_transform(title_text)
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
nb = GaussianNB()
# Split the dataset according to the class distribution of category_desc
y = volunteer['category_desc']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(text_tfidf.toarray(), y, stratify=y)
# Fit the model to the training data
nb.fit(X_train, y_train)
# Print out the model's accuracy
print(nb.score(X_test, y_test))