Selecting features for modeling
This chapter goes over a few different techniques for selecting the most important features from your dataset. You'll learn how to drop redundant features, work with text vectors, and reduce the number of features in your dataset using principal component analysis (PCA). This is the Summary of lecture "Preprocessing for Machine Learning in Python", via datacamp.
- Feature selection
- Removing redundant features
- Selecting features using text vectors
- Dimensionality reduction
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
hiking = pd.read_json('./dataset/hiking.json')
Selecting relevant features
Now let's identify the redundant columns in the volunteer
dataset and perform feature selection on the dataset to return a DataFrame of the relevant features.
For example, if you explore the volunteer
dataset in the console, you'll see three features which are related to location: locality
, region
, and postalcode
. They contain repeated information, so it would make sense to keep only one of the features.
There are also features that have gone through the feature engineering process: columns like Education
and Emergency Preparedness
are a product of encoding the categorical variable category_desc
, so category_desc
itself is redundant now.
Take a moment to examine the features of volunteer in the console, and try to identify the redundant features.
volunteer = pd.read_csv('./dataset/volunteer_sample.csv')
volunteer.dropna(subset=['category_desc'], axis=0, inplace=True)
to_drop = ["locality", "region", "category_desc", "created_date", "vol_requests"]
# Drop those columns from the dataset
volunteer_subset = volunteer.drop(to_drop, axis=1)
# Print out the head of the new dataset
wine = pd.read_csv('./dataset/wine_sample.csv')
to_drop = "Flavanoids"
# Drop that column from the DataFrame
wine = wine.drop(to_drop, axis=1)
Exploring text vectors, part 1
Let's expand on the text vector exploration method we just learned about, using the volunteer
dataset's title tf/idf vectors. In this first part of text vector exploration, we're going to add to that function we learned about in the slides. We'll return a list of numbers with the function. In the next exercise, we'll write another function to collect the top words across all documents, extract them, and then use that list to filter down our text_tfidf
vocab_csv = pd.read_csv('./dataset/vocab_volunteer.csv', index_col=0).to_dict()
vocab = vocab_csv['0']
volunteer = volunteer[['category_desc', 'title']]
volunteer = volunteer.dropna(subset=['category_desc'], axis=0)
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
# Take the title text
title_text = volunteer['title']
# Create the vectorizer method
tfidf_vec = TfidfVectorizer()
# Transform the text into tf-idf vectors
text_tfidf = tfidf_vec.fit_transform(title_text)
def return_weights(vocab, original_vocab, vector, vector_index, top_n):
zipped = dict(zip(vector[vector_index].indices, vector[vector_index].data))
# Let's transform that zipped dict into a series
zipped_series = pd.Series({vocab[i]:zipped[i] for i in vector[vector_index].indices})
# Let's sort the series to pull out the top n weighted words
zipped_index = zipped_series.sort_values(ascending=False)[:top_n].index
return [original_vocab[i] for i in zipped_index]
# Print out the weighted words
print(return_weights(vocab, tfidf_vec.vocabulary_, text_tfidf, vector_index=8, top_n=3))
def words_to_filter(vocab, original_vocab, vector, top_n):
filter_list = []
for i in range(0, vector.shape[0]):
# here we'll call the function from the previous exercise,
# and extend the list we're creating
filtered = return_weights(vocab, original_vocab, vector, i, top_n)
# Return the list in a set, so we don't get duplicate word indices
return set(filter_list)
# Call the function to get the list of word indices
filtered_words = words_to_filter(vocab, tfidf_vec.vocabulary_, text_tfidf, top_n=3)
# By converting filtered_words back to a list,
# we can use it to filter the columns in the text vector
filtered_text = text_tfidf[:, list(filtered_words)]
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
nb = GaussianNB()
y = volunteer['category_desc']
# Split the dataset according to the class distribution of category_desc,
# using the filtered_text vector
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(filtered_text.toarray(), y, stratify=y)
# Fit the model to the training data, y_train)
# Print out the model's accuracy
print(nb.score(X_test, y_test))
You can see that our accuracy score wasn't that different from the score at the end of chapter 3. That's okay; the title
field is a very small text field, appropriate for demonstrating how filtering vectors works.
Dimensionality reduction
- Unsupervised learning method
- Combine/decomposes a feature space
- Feature extraction
- Principal component analysis
- Linear transformation to uncorrelated space
- Captures as much variance as possible in each component
- PCA caveats
- Difficult to interpret components
- End of preprocessing journey
wine = pd.read_csv('./dataset/wine_types.csv')
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
# Set up PCA and the X vector for dimensionality reduction
pca = PCA()
wine_X = wine.drop('Type', axis=1)
# Apply PCA to the wine dataset X vector
transformed_X = pca.fit_transform(wine_X)
# Look at the percentage of variance explained by the different components
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
y = wine['Type']
knn = KNeighborsClassifier()
# Split the transformed X and the y labels into training and test sets
X_wine_train, X_wine_test, y_wine_train, y_wine_test = train_test_split(transformed_X, y)
# Fit knn to the training data, y_wine_train)
# Score knn on the test data and print it out
print(knn.score(X_wine_test, y_wine_test))