import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import dc_stat_think as dcst

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 5)

Variations in earthquake frequency and seismicity

EDA: Plotting earthquakes over time

Make a plot where the y-axis is the magnitude and the x-axis is the time of all earthquakes in Oklahoma between 1980 and the first half of 2017. Each dot in the plot represents a single earthquake.

df = pd.read_csv('./dataset/oklahoma_earthquakes_1950-2017.csv', skiprows=2)
time latitude longitude depth mag magType nst gap dmin rms ... depthError magError magNst status locationSource magSource loc_name loc_admin1 loc_admin2 loc_cc
0 1974-12-16 02:30:21.400 35.330 -97.480 10.0 2.6 ml NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN reviewed m tul Moore Oklahoma Cleveland County US
1 1975-09-13 01:25:02.800 34.139 -97.369 5.0 3.4 lg NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN reviewed us tul Wilson Oklahoma Carter County US
2 1975-10-12 02:58:11.200 34.816 -97.406 20.0 3.2 lg NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN reviewed us tul Maysville Oklahoma Garvin County US
3 1975-11-29 14:29:40.900 34.521 -97.347 5.0 3.5 lg NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN reviewed us slm Wynnewood Oklahoma Garvin County US
4 1976-04-16 18:59:44.200 36.107 -99.875 5.0 3.4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN reviewed us tul Arnett Oklahoma Ellis County US

5 rows × 26 columns

from datetime import datetime as dt
import time
# Resource:

def toYearFraction(date):
    def sinceEpoch(date): # returns seconds since epoch
        return time.mktime(date.timetuple())
    s = sinceEpoch

    year = date.year
    startOfThisYear = dt(year=year, month=1, day=1)
    startOfNextYear = dt(year=year+1, month=1, day=1)

    yearElapsed = s(date) - s(startOfThisYear)
    yearDuration = s(startOfNextYear) - s(startOfThisYear)
    fraction = yearElapsed/yearDuration

    return date.year + fraction
times = pd.to_datetime(df['time']).apply(toYearFraction).to_numpy()
mags = df['mag'].to_numpy()
_ = plt.plot(times, mags, marker='.', linestyle='none', alpha=0.1)

# Label axes
_ = plt.xlabel('time (year)')
_ = plt.ylabel('magnitude')

Estimates of the mean interearthquake times

The graphical EDA in the last exercise shows an obvious change in earthquake frequency around 2010. To compare, compute the mean time between earthquakes of magnitude 3 and larger from 1980 through 2009 and also from 2010 through mid-2017. Also include 95% confidence intervals of the mean. The variables dt_pre and dt_post respectively contain the time gap between all earthquakes of magnitude at least 3 from pre-2010 and post-2010 in units of days.

df_over3 = df[df['mag'] >= 3]
df_over3['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df_over3['time']).copy()
/home/chanseok/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
time latitude longitude depth mag magType nst gap dmin rms ... depthError magError magNst status locationSource magSource loc_name loc_admin1 loc_admin2 loc_cc
1 1975-09-13 01:25:02.800 34.1390 -97.3690 5.000 3.4 lg NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN reviewed us tul Wilson Oklahoma Carter County US
2 1975-10-12 02:58:11.200 34.8160 -97.4060 20.000 3.2 lg NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN reviewed us tul Maysville Oklahoma Garvin County US
3 1975-11-29 14:29:40.900 34.5210 -97.3470 5.000 3.5 lg NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN reviewed us slm Wynnewood Oklahoma Garvin County US
4 1976-04-16 18:59:44.200 36.1070 -99.8750 5.000 3.4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN reviewed us tul Arnett Oklahoma Ellis County US
5 1976-04-19 04:42:42.200 36.1340 -99.8410 5.000 3.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN reviewed us tul Arnett Oklahoma Ellis County US
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
8972 2017-07-17 03:29:22.050 36.2482 -98.4378 1.990 3.2 mb_lg NaN 24.0 0.245 0.30 ... 6.8 0.051 100.0 reviewed us us Fairview Oklahoma Major County US
8973 2017-07-17 03:51:18.700 35.8628 -96.6819 6.806 3.2 ml NaN 42.0 NaN 0.37 ... 3.2 NaN NaN reviewed tul tul Stroud Oklahoma Lincoln County US
8974 2017-07-17 21:06:34.200 36.4454 -97.0626 5.966 3.3 ml NaN 33.0 NaN 0.34 ... 4.1 NaN NaN reviewed tul tul McCord Oklahoma Osage County US
8975 2017-07-18 02:32:30.360 36.6221 -98.4302 5.000 3.6 mb_lg NaN 30.0 0.240 0.56 ... 2.0 0.054 90.0 reviewed us us Cherokee Oklahoma Alfalfa County US
8977 2017-07-18 21:59:52.270 35.8749 -96.6953 4.950 3.0 mb_lg NaN 50.0 0.089 0.30 ... 3.3 0.050 106.0 reviewed us us Cushing Oklahoma Payne County US

2508 rows × 26 columns

dt_pre_df = df_over3[(df_over3['time'].dt.year < 2010) & (df_over3['time'].dt.year >= 1980)]
dt_post_df = df_over3[df_over3['time'].dt.year >= 2010]
dt_pre = dt_pre_df.time.diff().dt.total_seconds().apply(lambda x: x / 86400).to_numpy()[1:]
dt_post = dt_post_df.time.diff().dt.total_seconds().apply(lambda x: x / 86400).to_numpy()[1:]
array([2.51464274e+02, 2.95448234e+02, 6.40863624e+02, 1.08647905e+03,
       3.17398881e+02, 5.90184145e+02, 4.83233923e+02, 6.97192766e+01,
       6.93095571e+02, 2.84084049e+01, 4.69432503e+02, 2.64515749e+02,
       7.65691760e+01, 5.69709848e+01, 1.05820879e+02, 7.22962820e+02,
       2.33607648e+02, 7.01886896e+01, 1.14955992e+02, 3.60235141e+02,
       8.36699482e+02, 1.11743014e+02, 1.41681284e+02, 5.96914548e+02,
       1.67977123e+02, 1.50232531e+02, 3.27134280e+02, 2.14277463e+01,
       1.84143676e+02, 2.32951451e+02, 3.79080845e+02, 1.42725851e+02,
       8.97876019e+01, 5.96111736e+00, 1.89721845e+01, 2.77162708e+00,
       1.13697293e+01, 9.83503366e+01, 1.19944992e+01, 4.82748252e+00,
       2.03827727e+01, 3.62473927e+01, 7.40873495e-01, 5.60745802e+01,
       2.23031436e+01, 1.99971991e+00, 6.99775810e-01, 1.19004729e+01,
       8.67183507e+00, 4.74282720e+00, 8.78014236e-01, 6.85203079e+00])
array([1.21727083, 0.00597188, 1.92131238, ..., 0.7189294 , 0.22634444,
mean_dt_pre = np.mean(dt_pre)
mean_dt_post = np.mean(dt_post)

# Draw 10,000 bootstrap replicates of the mean
bs_reps_pre = dcst.draw_bs_reps(dt_pre, np.mean, size=10000)
bs_reps_post = dcst.draw_bs_reps(dt_post, np.mean, size=10000)

# Compute the confidence interval
conf_int_pre = np.percentile(bs_reps_pre, [2.5, 97.5])
conf_int_post = np.percentile(bs_reps_post, [2.5, 97.5])

# Print the results
print("""1980 through 2009
mean time gap: {0:.2f} days
95% conf int: [{1:.2f}, {2:.2f}] days""".format(mean_dt_pre, *conf_int_pre))

2010 through mid-2017
mean time gap: {0:.2f} days
95% conf int: [{1:.2f}, {2:.2f}] days""".format(mean_dt_post, *conf_int_post))
1980 through 2009
mean time gap: 204.61 days
95% conf int: [139.84, 276.32] days

2010 through mid-2017
mean time gap: 1.12 days
95% conf int: [0.97, 1.29] days

Hypothesis test: did earthquake frequency change?

Obviously, there was a massive increase in earthquake frequency once wastewater injection began. Nonetheless, you will still do a hypothesis test for practice. You will not test the hypothesis that the interearthquake times have the same distribution before and after 2010, since wastewater injection may affect the distribution. Instead, you will assume that they have the same mean. So, compute the p-value associated with the hypothesis that the pre- and post-2010 interearthquake times have the same mean, using the mean of pre-2010 time gaps minus the mean of post-2010 time gaps as your test statistic.

mean_dt_diff = mean_dt_pre - mean_dt_post

# Shift the post-2010 data to have the same mean as the pre-2010 data
dt_post_shift = dt_post - mean_dt_post + mean_dt_pre

# Compute 10,000 bootstrap replicates from arrays
bs_reps_pre = dcst.draw_bs_reps(dt_pre, np.mean, size=10000)
bs_reps_post = dcst.draw_bs_reps(dt_post_shift, np.mean, size=10000)

# Get replicates of difference of means
bs_reps = bs_reps_pre - bs_reps_post

# Compute and print the p-value
p_val = np.sum(bs_reps >= mean_dt_diff) / 10000
print('p =', p_val)
p = 0.0

In 10,000 samples, not one had a test statistic greater than was was observed. The p-value is, predictably based on what we have done so far, is tiiiiiny!

Earthquake magnitudes in Oklahoma

  • Magnitudes in Oklahoma
    • Verify that the Gutenberg-Richter Law holds before and after 2010
    • Compute b-values
    • Perform hypothesis test

EDA: Comparing magnitudes before and after 2010

Make an ECDF of earthquake magnitudes from 1980 through 2009. On the same plot, show an ECDF of magnitudes of earthquakes from 2010 through mid-2017.

mags_pre = mags[times < 2010]
mags_post = mags[times >= 2010]

# Generate ECDFs
_ = plt.plot(*dcst.ecdf(mags_pre), marker='.', linestyle='none')
_ = plt.plot(*dcst.ecdf(mags_post), marker='.', linestyle='none')

# Label axes
_ = plt.xlabel('magnitude')
_ = plt.ylabel('ECDF')
plt.legend(('1980 though 2009', '2010 through mid-2017'), loc='upper left');

Quantification of the b-values

Based on the plot you generated in the previous exercise, you can safely use a completeness threshold of mt = 3. Using this threshold, compute b-values for the period between 1980 and 2009 and for 2010 through mid-2017.

def b_value(mags, mt, perc=[2.5, 97.5], n_reps=None):
    """Compute the b-value and optionally its confidence interval."""
    # Extract magnitudes above completeness threshold: m
    m = mags[mags >= mt]
    # Compute b-value: b
    b = (np.mean(m) - mt) * np.log(10)
    # Draw bootstrap replicates
    if n_reps is None:
        return b
        m_bs_reps = dcst.draw_bs_reps(m, np.mean, n_reps)
        # Compute b-value from replicates: b_bs_reps
        b_bs_reps = (m_bs_reps - mt) * np.log(10)
        # Compute confidence interval: conf_int
        conf_int = np.percentile(b_bs_reps, perc)
        return b, conf_int
mt = 3
b_pre, conf_int_pre = b_value(mags_pre, mt, perc=[2.5, 97.5], n_reps=10000)

# Compute b-value and confidence interval for post-2010
b_post, conf_int_post = b_value(mags_post, mt, perc=[2.5, 97.5], n_reps=10000)

# Report the results
1980 through 2009
b-value: {0:.2f}
95% conf int: [{1:.2f}, {2:.2f}]

2010 through mid-2017
b-value: {3:.2f}
95% conf int: [{4:.2f}, {5:.2f}]
""".format(b_pre, *conf_int_pre, b_post, *conf_int_post))
1980 through 2009
b-value: 0.75
95% conf int: [0.56, 0.94]

2010 through mid-2017
b-value: 0.62
95% conf int: [0.60, 0.65]

The confidence interval for the b-value for recent earthquakes is tighter than for earlier ones because there are many more recent ones. Still, the confidence intervals overlap, and we can perform a hypothesis test to see if we might get these results if the b-values are actually the same.

Hypothesis test: are the b-values different?

Perform the hypothesis test sketched out on the previous exercise.

mags_pre = mags_pre[mags_pre >= mt]
mags_post = mags_post[mags_post >= mt]

# Observed difference in mean magnitudes: diff_obs
diff_obs = np.mean(mags_post) - np.mean(mags_pre)

# Generate permutation replicates: perm_reps
perm_reps = dcst.draw_perm_reps(mags_post, mags_pre, dcst.diff_of_means, size=10000)

# Compute and print p-value
p_val = np.sum(perm_reps < diff_obs) / 10000
print('p =', p_val)
p = 0.0817

A p-value around 0.1 suggests that the observed magnitudes are commensurate with there being no change in b-value after wastewater injection began.