import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 5)'fivethirtyeight')

Apply your knowledge to a new dataset

Explore the Jobs dataset

In this exercise, you will explore the new jobs DataFrame, which contains the unemployment rate of different industries in the USA during the years of 2000-2010. As you will see, the dataset contains time series for 16 industries and across 122 timepoints (one per month for 10 years). In general, the typical workflow of a Data Science project will involve data cleaning and exploration, so we will begin by reading in the data and checking for missing values.

jobs = pd.read_csv('./dataset/ch5_employment.csv')

# Print first five lines of your DataFrame

# Check the type of each column in your DataFrame

# Convert datestamp column to a datetime object
jobs['datestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(jobs['datestamp'])

# Set the datestamp columns as the index of your DataFrame
jobs = jobs.set_index('datestamp')

# Check the number of missing values in each columns
    datestamp  Agriculture  Business services  Construction  \
0  2000-01-01         10.3                5.7           9.7   
1  2000-02-01         11.5                5.2          10.6   
2  2000-03-01         10.4                5.4           8.7   
3  2000-04-01          8.9                4.5           5.8   
4  2000-05-01          5.1                4.7           5.0   

   Durable goods manufacturing  Education and Health  Finance  Government  \
0                          3.2                   2.3      2.7         2.1   
1                          2.9                   2.2      2.8         2.0   
2                          2.8                   2.5      2.6         1.5   
3                          3.4                   2.1      2.3         1.3   
4                          3.4                   2.7      2.2         1.9   

   Information  Leisure and hospitality  Manufacturing  Mining and Extraction  \
0          3.4                      7.5            3.6                    3.9   
1          2.9                      7.5            3.4                    5.5   
2          3.6                      7.4            3.6                    3.7   
3          2.4                      6.1            3.7                    4.1   
4          3.5                      6.2            3.4                    5.3   

   Nondurable goods manufacturing  Other  Self-employed  \
0                             4.4    4.9            2.3   
1                             4.2    4.1            2.5   
2                             5.1    4.3            2.0   
3                             4.0    4.2            2.0   
4                             3.6    4.5            1.9   

   Transportation and Utilities  Wholesale and Retail Trade  
0                           4.3                         5.0  
1                           4.0                         5.2  
2                           3.5                         5.1  
3                           3.4                         4.1  
4                           3.4                         4.3  
datestamp                          object
Agriculture                       float64
Business services                 float64
Construction                      float64
Durable goods manufacturing       float64
Education and Health              float64
Finance                           float64
Government                        float64
Information                       float64
Leisure and hospitality           float64
Manufacturing                     float64
Mining and Extraction             float64
Nondurable goods manufacturing    float64
Other                             float64
Self-employed                     float64
Transportation and Utilities      float64
Wholesale and Retail Trade        float64
dtype: object
Agriculture                       0
Business services                 0
Construction                      0
Durable goods manufacturing       0
Education and Health              0
Finance                           0
Government                        0
Information                       0
Leisure and hospitality           0
Manufacturing                     0
Mining and Extraction             0
Nondurable goods manufacturing    0
Other                             0
Self-employed                     0
Transportation and Utilities      0
Wholesale and Retail Trade        0
dtype: int64

Describe time series data with boxplots

You should always explore the distribution of the variables, and because you are working with time series, you will explore their properties using boxplots and numerical summaries. As a reminder, you can plot data in a DataFrame as boxplots with the command:

df.boxplot(fontsize=6, vert=False)

Notice the introduction of the new parameter vert, which specifies whether to plot the boxplots horizontally or vertically.

jobs.boxplot(fontsize=8, vert=False);

# Generate numberical summaries
       Agriculture  Business services  Construction  \
count   122.000000         122.000000    122.000000   
mean      9.840984           6.919672      9.426230   
std       3.962067           1.862534      4.587619   
min       2.400000           4.100000      4.400000   
25%       6.900000           5.600000      6.100000   
50%       9.600000           6.450000      8.100000   
75%      11.950000           7.875000     10.975000   
max      21.300000          12.000000     27.100000   

       Durable goods manufacturing  Education and Health     Finance  \
count                   122.000000            122.000000  122.000000   
mean                      6.025410              3.420492    3.540164   
std                       2.854475              0.877538    1.235405   
min                       2.800000              1.800000    2.100000   
25%                       4.125000              2.900000    2.700000   
50%                       5.100000              3.200000    3.300000   
75%                       6.775000              3.700000    3.700000   
max                      14.100000              6.100000    7.500000   

       Government  Information  Leisure and hospitality  Manufacturing  \
count  122.000000   122.000000               122.000000     122.000000   
mean     2.581148     5.486885                 8.315574       5.982787   
std      0.686750     2.016582                 1.605570       2.484221   
min      1.300000     2.400000                 5.900000       3.100000   
25%      2.100000     3.900000                 7.300000       4.500000   
50%      2.400000     5.150000                 8.050000       5.300000   
75%      2.875000     6.900000                 8.800000       6.600000   
max      5.100000    11.500000                14.200000      13.000000   

       Mining and Extraction  Nondurable goods manufacturing       Other  \
count             122.000000                      122.000000  122.000000   
mean                5.088525                        5.930328    5.096721   
std                 2.942428                        1.922330    1.317457   
min                 0.300000                        3.100000    2.900000   
25%                 3.200000                        4.825000    4.200000   
50%                 4.300000                        5.500000    4.900000   
75%                 6.050000                        6.100000    5.600000   
max                16.100000                       12.000000   10.000000   

       Self-employed  Transportation and Utilities  Wholesale and Retail Trade  
count     122.000000                    122.000000                  122.000000  
mean        3.031967                      4.935246                    5.766393  
std         1.124429                      1.753340                    1.463417  
min         1.700000                      2.300000                    3.600000  
25%         2.400000                      3.900000                    4.800000  
50%         2.700000                      4.400000                    5.400000  
75%         3.200000                      5.400000                    6.200000  
max         7.200000                     11.300000                   10.500000  

Beyond summary statistics

Plot all the time series in your dataset

The jobs DataFrame contains 16 time series representing the unemployment rate of various industries between 2001 and 2010. This may seem like a large amount of time series to visualize at the same time, but Chapter 4 introduced you to facetted plots. In this exercise, you will explore some of the time series in the jobs DataFrame and look to extract some meaningful information from these plots.

jobs_subset = jobs[['Finance', 'Information', 'Manufacturing', 'Construction']]

# Print the first 5 rows of jobs_subset

# Create a facetted graph with 2 rows and 2 columns
ax = jobs_subset.plot(subplots=True,
                    layout=(2, 2),
            Finance  Information  Manufacturing  Construction
2000-01-01      2.7          3.4            3.6           9.7
2000-02-01      2.8          2.9            3.4          10.6
2000-03-01      2.6          3.6            3.6           8.7
2000-04-01      2.3          2.4            3.7           5.8
2000-05-01      2.2          3.5            3.4           5.0

Annotate significant events in time series data

When plotting the Finance, Information, Manufacturing and Construction time series of the jobs DataFrame, you observed a distinct increase in unemployment rates during 2001 and 2008. In general, time series plots can be made even more informative if you include additional annotations that emphasize specific observations or events. This allows you to quickly highlight parts of the graph to viewers, and can help infer what may have caused a specific event.

Recall that you have already set the datestamp column as the index of the jobs DataFrame, so you are prepared to directly annotate your plots with vertical or horizontal lines.

ax = jobs.plot(colormap='Spectral', fontsize=6, linewidth=0.8);

# Set labels and legend
ax.set_xlabel('Date', fontsize=10);
ax.set_ylabel('Unemployment Rate', fontsize=10);
ax.set_title('Unemployment rate of U.S. workers by industry', fontsize=10);
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))

# Annotate your plots with vertical lines
ax.axvline('2001-07-01', color='blue', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.8);
ax.axvline('2008-09-01', color='blue', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.8);

Like we saw in Chapter 2, when the index of a DataFrame is of the datetime type, it is possible to directly extract the day, month or year of each date in the index. As a reminder, you can extract the year of each date in the index using the .index.year attribute. You can then use the .groupby() and .mean() methods to compute the mean annual value of each time series in your DataFrame:

index_year = df.index.year
df_by_year = df.groupby(index_year).mean()

You will now apply what you have learned to display the aggregate mean values of each time series in the jobs DataFrame.

index_month = jobs.index.month

# Compute the mean unemployment rate for each month
jobs_by_month = jobs.groupby(index_month).mean()

# Plot the mean unemployment rate for each month
ax = jobs_by_month.plot(fontsize=8, linewidth=1);

# Set axis labels and legend
ax.set_xlabel('Month', fontsize=10);
ax.set_ylabel('Mean unemployment rate', fontsize=10);
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 0.6), fontsize=10);
index_year = jobs.index.year

# Compute the mean unemployment rate for each year
jobs_by_year = jobs.groupby(index_year).mean()

# Plot the mean unemployment rate for each year
ax = jobs_by_year.plot(fontsize=8, linewidth=1);

# Set axis labels and legend
ax.set_xlabel('Year', fontsize=10);
ax.set_ylabel('Mean unemployment rate', fontsize=10);
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.1, 0.5), fontsize=10);

Decompose time series data

Apply time series decomposition to your dataset

You will now perform time series decomposition on multiple time series. You can achieve this by leveraging the Python dictionary to store the results of each time series decomposition.

In this exercise, you will initialize an empty dictionary with a set of curly braces, {}, use a for loop to iterate through the columns of the DataFrame and apply time series decomposition to each time series. After each time series decomposition, you place the results in the dictionary by using the command my_dict[key] = value, where my_dict is your dictionary, key is the name of the column/time series, and value is the decomposition object of that time series.

import statsmodels.api as sm

# Initialize dictionary
jobs_decomp = {}

# Get the names of each time series in the DataFrame
jobs_names = jobs.columns

# run time series decomposition on each time series of the DataFrame
for ts in jobs_names:
    ts_decomposition = sm.tsa.seasonal_decompose(jobs[ts])
    jobs_decomp[ts] = ts_decomposition

Visualize the seasonality of multiple time series

You will now extract the seasonality component of jobs_decomp to visualize the seasonality in these time series. Note that before plotting, you will have to convert the dictionary of seasonality components into a DataFrame using the pd.DataFrame.from_dict() function.

jobs_seasonal = {}
for ts in jobs_names:
    jobs_seasonal[ts] = jobs_decomp[ts].seasonal
# Create a DataFrame from the jobs_seasonal dictionary
seasonality_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(jobs_seasonal)

# Remove the label for the index = None

# Create a faceted plot of the seasonality_df DataFrame
                   layout=(4, 4),

Compute correlations between time series

Correlations between multiple time series

In the previous exercise, you extracted the seasonal component of each time series in the jobs DataFrame and stored those results in new DataFrame called seasonality_df. In the context of jobs data, it can be interesting to compare seasonality behavior, as this may help uncover which job industries are the most similar or the most different.

This can be achieved by using the seasonality_df DataFrame and computing the correlation between each time series in the dataset. In this exercise, you will leverage what you have learned in Chapter 4 to compute and create a clustermap visualization of the correlations between time series in the seasonality_df DataFrame.

seasonality_corr = seasonality_df.corr(method='spearman')

# Customize the clustermap of the seasonality_corr correlation matrix
fig = sns.clustermap(seasonality_corr, 
                     annot_kws={"size": 4}, 
                     figsize=(15, 10));
plt.setp(fig.ax_heatmap.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=0);
plt.setp(fig.ax_heatmap.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90);