Note :Folium map doesn't embed this page correctly. So use nbviewer for interactive map link

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import HTML, IFrame

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 5)

GeoSeries attributes and methods I

  • Shapely attributes and methods
    • GeoSeries.area - returns the area of each geometry in a GeoSeries
    • GeoSeries.centroid - returns the center point of each geometry in a GeoSeries
    • GeoSeries.distance(other) - returns the minimum distance to other

Find the area of the Urban Residents neighborhood

How big is the Urban Residents neighborhood?

neighborhoods = gpd.read_file('./dataset/neighborhoods.geojson')

# Get just the Urban Residents neighborhood polygon and save it as urban_polygon
urban_polygon = neighborhoods.loc[ == "Urban Residents"]

# Create a copy of the urban_polygon using EPSG:3857 and print the head
urban_poly_3857 = urban_polygon.to_crs(epsg=3857)

# Print the area of urban_poly_3857 in kilometers squared
area = urban_poly_3857.geometry.area / 10**6
print('The area of the Urban Residents neighborhood is ', area.values, ' km squared')
               name                                           geometry
41  Urban Residents  MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.78122 36.16457, -86.78205 ...
               name                                           geometry
41  Urban Residents  MULTIPOLYGON (((-9660441.281 4323289.005, -966...
The area of the Urban Residents neighborhood is  [1.12898961]  km squared

The Urban Residents neighborhood is around 1.13 square km. That seems manageable for walking to see the public art!

GeoSeries attributes and methods II

The center of the Urban Residents neighborhood

Now you'll find the center point of the urban_poly_3857 and plot it over the polygon.

downtown_center = urban_poly_3857.geometry.centroid

# Print the type of downtown_center

# Plot the urban_poly_3857 as ax and add the center point
ax = urban_poly_3857.plot(color='lightgreen', figsize=(7, 7));
downtown_center.plot(ax=ax, color='black');
<class 'geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries'>

You can see the centroid of the Urban Residents neighborhood. Notice that latitude and longitude are in meters instead of degrees. In the next exercise you will calculate the distance in meters of each artwork from the centroid of the Urban Residents neighborhood.

Prepare to calculate distances

In this exercise you will prepare a GeoDataFrame called art_dist_meters with the locations of downtown art converted to meters using EPSG:3857. You will use art_dist_meters in the next exercise to calculate the distance of each artwork from the center of the Urban Residents neighborhood in meters.

from shapely.geometry import Point

art = gpd.read_file('./dataset/public_art.csv')
art['geometry'] = art.apply(lambda x: Point(float(x.Longitude), float(x.Latitude)), axis=1)
center_point = art.geometry.centroid
from shapely.geometry import Point

# Create art_dist_meters using art and the geometry from art
art_dist_meters = gpd.GeoDataFrame(art, geometry=art.geometry)'epsg:4326'

# Set the crs of art_dist_meters to use EPSG:3857
art_dist_meters.geometry = art_dist_meters.geometry.to_crs(epsg=3857)

# Add a column to art_meters, center
art_dist_meters['center'] = center_point
                             Title Last Name First Name  \
0          [Cross Country Runners]     Frost      Miley   
1  [Fourth and Commerce Sculpture]    Walker        Lin   

                            Location  Medium       Type Description  Latitude  \
0     4001 Harding Rd., Nashville TN  Bronze  Sculpture              36.12856   
1  333 Commerce Street, Nashville TN          Sculpture              36.16234   

   Longitude        Mapped Location                    geometry  
0   -86.8366   (36.12856, -86.8366)  POINT (-86.83660 36.12856)  
1  -86.77774  (36.16234, -86.77774)  POINT (-86.77774 36.16234)  
                             Title Last Name First Name  \
0          [Cross Country Runners]     Frost      Miley   
1  [Fourth and Commerce Sculpture]    Walker        Lin   

                            Location  Medium       Type Description  Latitude  \
0     4001 Harding Rd., Nashville TN  Bronze  Sculpture              36.12856   
1  333 Commerce Street, Nashville TN          Sculpture              36.16234   

   Longitude        Mapped Location                          geometry  
0   -86.8366   (36.12856, -86.8366)  POINT (-9666606.094 4318325.479)  
1  -86.77774  (36.16234, -86.77774)  POINT (-9660053.829 4322982.159)  
0      POINT (-86.83660 36.12856)
1      POINT (-86.77774 36.16234)
2      POINT (-86.78817 36.15790)
3      POINT (-86.79975 36.16202)
4      POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
127    POINT (-86.82221 36.16510)
128    POINT (-86.73445 36.09082)
129    POINT (-86.66777 36.13469)
130    POINT (-86.78382 36.16527)
131    POINT (-86.79900 36.15896)
Name: center, Length: 132, dtype: geometry

The art_dist_meters Data Frame has the location of each artwork and the center point of the Urban Residents neighborhood -- both using meters for distance.

Art distances from neighborhood center

Now that you have the center point and the art locations in the units we need to calculate distances in meters, it's time to perform that step.

import pprint

# Build a dictionary of titles and distances for Urban Residents art
art_distances = {}
for row in art_dist_meters.iterrows():
    vals = row[1]
    key = vals['Title']
    ctr = vals['center']
    art_distances[key] = vals['geometry'].distance(other=ctr)
# Pretty print the art_distances
{'12th & Porter Mural': 10583948.500651475,
 'A Splash of Color': 10585357.160178259,
 'A Story of Nashville': 10583565.969078569,
 'Aerial Innovations Mural': 10579929.255218184,
 'Airport Sun Project': 10570311.412935875,
 'Andrew Jackson': 10583951.468665037,
 'Angel': 10588435.041707946,
 'Anticipation': 10583698.952539692,
 'April Baby': 10586916.00892881,
 'Arial Triangle [from the Gravity Series]': 10583398.52483797,
 'Ariel': 10585905.336208293,
 'Athena Parthenos': 10586065.827814262,
 'Benedictio': 10577769.979416678,
 'Bicycle Bus-Green Fleet': 10582635.68286198,
 'Blowing Bubbles': 10588435.041707946,
 'Breaking Bread': 10582634.392548595,
 'Building a Positive Community': 10582136.29114304,
 'Can-Do': 10582120.049094511,
 'Chet Atkins': 10583602.67968694,
 "Children's Chairs For The Seasons": 10583565.969078569,
 'Confederate Memorial': 10577769.979416678,
 'Confederate Private Monument': 10585868.029575413,
 'Confluence': 10585513.082652403,
 'Cool Fences': 10579074.346806614,
 'Dancing on Air': 10570372.644642536,
 'Demonbreun Hill Mural': 10583908.579902012,
 'Dragon Wall Mural': 10584123.478874767,
 'Eastside Mural': 10581245.290643545,
 'Ed and Bernice Johnson and Mary': 10583193.594816655,
 'Edward Ward Carmack': 10583921.539018078,
 'Flights of Fantasy': 10570344.379658109,
 'Foliated Scroll': 10583565.969078569,
 'Founding Fathers Cenotaph': 10584221.716760146,
 'Founding of Nashville': 10583078.144842813,
 'Furman Monument': 10577769.979416678,
 'Gold Star Monument to World War I Veterans': 10586021.858499767,
 'Gone Fishing': 10583591.376403218,
 'Happy Times at The Arcade': 10583544.984285295,
 'Headstones': 10581464.612607874,
 'Hillsboro Village Mural': 10583854.405716073,
 'History in Stained Glass': 10584221.716760146,
 'I BELIEVE IN NASHVILLE 12 South': 10582156.834978476,
 'I BELIEVE IN NASHVILLE East Nashville': 10580136.449174412,
 'I BELIEVE IN NASHVILLE North Nashville': 10585239.187925545,
 'In Concert': 10572751.806064371,
 'Industry - The TVA Group': 10584680.719262363,
 'Industry, Agriculture, Commerce, Statesmanship': 10583520.14461468,
 'Isabella': 10583485.955582885,
 'Isabelle and Calvin': 10584967.506033441,
 'John L. Nolen Monument': 10577769.979416678,
 'John W. Thomas': 10586021.858499767,
 'Johnny Cash Mural': 10582628.289268441,
 'La Storia della Terra': 10583565.969078569,
 'Lane Motor Museum': 10577496.17633061,
 'Les Paul Guitar Mural': 10582854.565917103,
 'Library Doors': 10583565.969078569,
 'Lightning Wire Fountain': 10583073.144394962,
 'M&M Furniture-Riverside Village': 10580110.247643126,
 'Major General William Bate Monument': 10577769.979416678,
 'Maybelle Carter': 10582681.28994042,
 'Migration': 10578647.940171225,
 'Music City Center - Art Collection': 10582899.568035366,
 'Nashville, A History through Maps and Aerial Views': 10583565.969078569,
 'Oh, Roy': 10583134.666506412,
 'Orpheus and Eurydice': 10582814.322708014,
 'Our Past, Your Future': 10581513.854999846,
 'Owen Bradley': 10583977.664424112,
 'Paint Waterfalls': 10586050.17255176,
 'Parthenon East Pediment': 10586039.029226098,
 'Parthenon West Pediment': 10586086.185064087,
 'Phillips Monument': 10577769.979416678,
 'Phillips Toy Mart': 10589122.922370559,
 'Phoenix': 10583193.594816655,
 'Piecing It All Together': 10583583.83412909,
 'Pioneer Family - The Mountain Group': 10583940.557855405,
 'Polarbears with Snowballs': 10582948.623516602,
 'President Andrew Johnson': 10583888.306385722,
 'Raccoons and the Magic Horseshoes': 10588449.304129982,
 'Rolf and Daughters Mural': 10585530.548435524,
 'Rolling Hills': 10567500.082015224,
 'Rose on 65th Street': 10583485.955582885,
 'Roy Orbison Tribute Statue': 10583983.27808947,
 'Safe Haven Family Shelter Mural': 10580722.202142382,
 'Sam Davis': 10587219.534638887,
 'Sam Davis of Tennessee': 10583957.687431902,
 'Samaritan': 10588435.041707946,
 'Sea Serpent': 10584599.331890862,
 'Sergeant Alvin C. York': 10583831.406240454,
 'Servant or Master': 10583295.262231264,
 'Sir Draco Star (a.k.a Eli)': 10581769.904107656,
 'Soldier and Farmer - The Equestrian Group': 10583980.483601985,
 'Something in the Air': 10583345.067374147,
 'St. George and the Maiden': 10588435.041707946,
 'St. Vincent de Paul': 10585450.35995012,
 'Statue of Dr. W. E. B. Dubois': 10586151.741414448,
 'Stay Tuned': 10582208.784466524,
 'Teacher and Student': 10587219.534638887,
 "Tennessee Confederate Women's Memorial": 10583808.163062796,
 'Tennessee Falls': 10583749.204294588,
 'Tennessee Korean War Memorial': 10583763.398102595,
 "Tennessee Vietnam Veteran's Memorial": 10583793.462008132,
 'Tennessee WWII Memorial': 10584791.513626093,
 'The Birth of Apollo': 10582837.385831947,
 'The Flutist': 10582802.090989307,
 'The Peace Monument': 10581938.152564157,
 'The Prince': 10583565.969078569,
 'The Readers': 10583393.872061776,
 'The Recording Angel': 10582755.631360933,
 'The Three Graces': 10584019.73571512,
 'The Waterfall Mural': 10581643.66630736,
 'Thomas Gleen Ryman': 10583110.04814488,
 'Threshold': 10582893.378709938,
 'Timeless': 10582989.494809307,
 'Timothy Demonbreun': 10583247.956294278,
 'Tomatoes': 10579771.420321863,
 'Tommy Owen': 10587219.534638887,
 'Two Musicians': 10581245.290643545,
 'Untitled': 10589663.659840992,
 'Vanderbilt University - Public Collection': 10584709.70990316,
 'Various': 10582656.32923829,
 'Victory': 10583866.220337586,
 'Voices Gathering': 10583459.815030094,
 'Volume': 10581771.247803846,
 'Warner Monument': 10577769.979416678,
 'Waveform: Pan American Blues': 10570399.600396495,
 'We Are Our Stories': 10587812.786960982,
 'Welcome to Flatrock': 10574716.19476862,
 'Wind Reeds': 10570407.991440946,
 'Women Suffrage Memorial': 10583921.539018078,
 'Youth Opportunity Center-STARS Nashville - Peace Jam mural': 10585108.655408468,
 '[Cross Country Runners]': 10587219.534638887,
 '[Fourth and Commerce Sculpture]': 10583138.736775193}

Street maps with folium

  • Folium
    • python package
    • interactive maps
    • built upon Leaflet.js

Create a folium location from the urban centroid

In order to construct a folium map of the Urban Residents neighborhood, you need to build a coordinate pair location that is formatted for folium. = 'epsg:4326'
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: World
- bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

# Create urban_center from the urban_polygon center
urban_center = urban_polygon.to_crs(epsg=4326).centroid

# Print urban_center

# Create array for folium called urban_location
urban_location = [urban_center.y, urban_center.x]

# Print urban_location
               name                                           geometry
41  Urban Residents  MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.78122 36.16457, -86.78205 ...
41    POINT (-86.77756 36.16128)
dtype: geometry
[41    36.161278
dtype: float64, 41   -86.777565
dtype: float64]
C:\Users\kcsgo\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: Geometry is in a geographic CRS. Results from 'centroid' are likely incorrect. Use 'GeoSeries.to_crs()' to re-project geometries to a projected CRS before this operation.


Folium locations are arrays with latitude first. You just created a folium location from the center of the Urban Residents neighborhood.

Create a folium map of downtown Nashville

In this exercise you will create a street map of downtown Nashville using folium.

import folium

# Construct a folium map with urban_location
downtown_map = folium.Map(location=urban_location, zoom_start=15, width=500, height=500)

# Display the map'./html/downtown_map.html')

Folium locations are arrays with latitude first. You just created a folium location from the center of the Urban Residents neighborhood.

Folium street map of the downtown neighborhood

This time you will create the folium map of downtown and add the Urban Residents neighborhood area from urban_polygon.

urban_polygon['center'] = urban_polygon.loc[:, 'geometry'].centroid
C:\Users\kcsgo\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: Geometry is in a geographic CRS. Results from 'centroid' are likely incorrect. Use 'GeoSeries.to_crs()' to re-project geometries to a projected CRS before this operation.

  """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.
C:\Users\kcsgo\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\geopandas\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  super(GeoDataFrame, self).__setitem__(key, value)
point =
folium_loc = [point.values.y, point.values.x]

# Construct a map from folium_loc: downtown_map
downtown_map = folium.Map(location = folium_loc, zoom_start = 15, width=500, height=500)

# Draw our neighborhood: Urban Residents

Creating markers and popups in folium

Adding markers for the public art

Now that you have added the polygon for the Urban Residents neighborhood to your folium street map, it's time to add the locations of the art within the neighborhood. You can do that by creating folium markers. Each marker needs a location assigned. Use iterrows() to loop through the data to grab the values you need.

art_geo = gpd.GeoDataFrame(art,, geometry=art.geometry)

# Spartially join neighborhoods with art_geo
neighborhood_art = gpd.sjoin(art_geo, neighborhoods, op='within')

# Create urban_art from neighborhood_art where the neighborhood name is Urban Residents
urban_art = neighborhood_art.loc[ == 'Urban Residents']
for row in urban_art.iterrows():
    print('first part: ', row[0])
    print('second part: ', row[1])
# Create a location and marker with each iteration for the downtown_map
for row in urban_art.iterrows():
    row_values = row[1]
    location = [row_values['Latitude'], row_values['Longitude']]
    marker = folium.Marker(location=location)
first part:  1
second part:  Title                  [Fourth and Commerce Sculpture]
Last Name                                       Walker
First Name                                         Lin
Location             333 Commerce Street, Nashville TN
Type                                         Sculpture
Latitude                                      36.16234
Longitude                                    -86.77774
Mapped Location                  (36.16234, -86.77774)
geometry           POINT (-86.77773999999999 36.16234)
center             POINT (-86.77773999999999 36.16234)
index_right                                         41
name                                   Urban Residents
Name: 1, dtype: object
first part:  4
second part:  Title                                           A Story of Nashville
Last Name                                                     Ridley
First Name                                                      Greg
Location                             615 Church Street, Nashville TN
Medium                                      Hammered copper repousse
Type                                                          Frieze
Description        Inside the Grand Reading Room, this is a serie...
Latitude                                                    36.16215
Longitude                                                  -86.78205
Mapped Location                                (36.16215, -86.78205)
geometry                                  POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
center                                    POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 4, dtype: object
first part:  21
second part:  Title                                                    Chet Atkins
Last Name                                                      Faxon
First Name                                                   Russell
Location           Corner of Fifth Avenue North and Union Street,...
Medium                   Bronze stool and guitar on a granite plynth
Type                                                       Sculpture
Description        A sculpture of a young Chet Atkins seated on a...
Latitude                                                    36.16466
Longitude                                                  -86.78102
Mapped Location                                (36.16466, -86.78102)
geometry                                  POINT (-86.78102 36.16466)
center                                    POINT (-86.78102 36.16466)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 21, dtype: object
first part:  22
second part:  Title              Children's Chairs For The Seasons
Last Name                                     McGraw
First Name                                    Deloss
Location             615 Church Street, Nashville TN
Medium                  Mixed Media - wood and paint
Type                                       Furniture
Description        chairs depicting the four seasons
Latitude                                    36.16215
Longitude                                  -86.78205
Mapped Location                (36.16215, -86.78205)
geometry                  POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
center                    POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
index_right                                       41
name                                 Urban Residents
Name: 22, dtype: object
first part:  34
second part:  Title                                                Foliated Scroll
Last Name                                                    Bloomer
First Name                                                      Kent
Location                             615 Church Street, Nashville TN
Medium                                                      Aluminum
Type                                                          Frieze
Description        a contemporary adaptation of a classical folia...
Latitude                                                    36.16215
Longitude                                                  -86.78205
Mapped Location                                (36.16215, -86.78205)
geometry                                  POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
center                                    POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 34, dtype: object
first part:  39
second part:  Title                                                   Gone Fishing
Last Name                                                     Cooper
First Name                                                   Michael
Location                                          Church Street Park
Medium                                              Acrylic on Brick
Type                                                           Mural
Description        Just having some fun with Trompe L'oeil balconies
Latitude                                                    36.16298
Longitude                                                  -86.78184
Mapped Location                                (36.16298, -86.78184)
geometry                                  POINT (-86.78184 36.16298)
center                                    POINT (-86.78184 36.16298)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 39, dtype: object
first part:  40
second part:  Title                                  Happy Times at The Arcade
Last Name                                                 Cooper
First Name                                               Michael
Location           In the Alley between 4th and 5th off of Union
Medium                Silicate paint on brick and concrete block
Type                                                       Mural
Description         Trompe L'oeil artwork celebrating The Arcade
Latitude                                                 36.1647
Longitude                                              -86.78043
Mapped Location                             (36.1647, -86.78043)
geometry                               POINT (-86.78043 36.1647)
center                                 POINT (-86.78043 36.1647)
index_right                                                   41
name                                             Urban Residents
Name: 40, dtype: object
first part:  54
second part:  Title                                              Johnny Cash Mural
Last Name                     Bryan Deese, Audie Adams, Ryan Shrader
First Name                                                          
Location                                              300 4th Avenue
Medium                                   Latex paint and spray paint
Type                                                           Mural
Description        Classic street art by Thoughts Manifested crew...
Latitude                                                   36.158301
Longitude                                                 -86.774955
Mapped Location                              (36.158301, -86.774955)
geometry                        POINT (-86.77495500000001 36.158301)
center                          POINT (-86.77495500000001 36.158301)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 54, dtype: object
first part:  55
second part:  Title                                          La Storia della Terra
Last Name                                  The Kubach - Wilmsen Team
First Name                                 The Kubach - Wilmsen Team
Location                          Church St & 7th Ave N Nashville TN
Medium                                                         Stone
Type                                                       Sculpture
Description        A 20 foot tower of stone books. There are 26 b...
Latitude                                                    36.16215
Longitude                                                  -86.78205
Mapped Location                                (36.16215, -86.78205)
geometry                                  POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
center                                    POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 55, dtype: object
first part:  57
second part:  Title                           Les Paul Guitar Mural
Last Name                                      Hughes
First Name                                     Milree
Location             100 Broadway, Nashville TN 37201
Medium                                       Painting
Type                                            Mural
Latitude                                      36.1624
Longitude                                   -86.77491
Mapped Location                  (36.1624, -86.77491)
geometry           POINT (-86.77491000000001 36.1624)
center             POINT (-86.77491000000001 36.1624)
index_right                                        41
name                                  Urban Residents
Name: 57, dtype: object
first part:  59
second part:  Title                                                  Library Doors
Last Name                                                    LeQuire
First Name                                                      Alan
Location                             615 Church Street, Nashville TN
Medium                                                        Bronze
Type                                                         Bronzes
Description        images of local people as well as Tennessee an...
Latitude                                                    36.16215
Longitude                                                  -86.78205
Mapped Location                                (36.16215, -86.78205)
geometry                                  POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
center                                    POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 59, dtype: object
first part:  60
second part:  Title                        Lightning Wire Fountain
Last Name                                     Walker
First Name                                       Lin
Location           333 Commerce Street, Nashville TN
Type                              Sculpture/Fountain
Latitude                                    36.16233
Longitude                                   -86.7771
Mapped Location                 (36.16233, -86.7771)
geometry                   POINT (-86.7771 36.16233)
center                     POINT (-86.7771 36.16233)
index_right                                       41
name                                 Urban Residents
Name: 60, dtype: object
first part:  66
second part:  Title              Nashville, A History through Maps and Aerial V...
Last Name                                                       Haas
First Name                                                   Richard
Location                             615 Church Street, Nashville TN
Medium                                                 Oil on Canvas
Type                                                           Mural
Description        Eight scenes showing the development of Nashvi...
Latitude                                                    36.16215
Longitude                                                  -86.78205
Mapped Location                                (36.16215, -86.78205)
geometry                                  POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
center                                    POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 66, dtype: object
first part:  67
second part:  Title                                                        Oh, Roy
Last Name                                                      Faxon
First Name                                                   Russell
Location                                 116 5th Ave N, Nashville TN
Medium                                                        Bronze
Type                                                       Sculpture
Description        Minnie Pearl and Roy Acuff seated on a bench i...
Latitude                                                    36.16151
Longitude                                                  -86.77816
Mapped Location                                (36.16151, -86.77816)
geometry                                  POINT (-86.77816 36.16151)
center                                    POINT (-86.77816 36.16151)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 67, dtype: object
first part:  68
second part:  Title                                           Orpheus and Eurydice
Last Name                                                     Kaskey
First Name                                                       Ray
Location                              1 Symphony Place, Nashville TN
Medium                                                     Limestone
Type                                                       Sculpture
Description        Relief sculpture above main entrance of Scherm...
Latitude                                                    36.16017
Longitude                                                  -86.77575
Mapped Location                                (36.16017, -86.77575)
geometry                                  POINT (-86.77575 36.16017)
center                                    POINT (-86.77575 36.16017)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 68, dtype: object
first part:  75
second part:  Title                          Piecing It All Together
Last Name                                       Cooper
First Name                                     Michael
Location               600 Church Street, Nashville TN
Medium                               Painting on Stone
Type                                             Mural
Latitude                                      36.16281
Longitude                                    -86.78186
Mapped Location                  (36.16281, -86.78186)
geometry           POINT (-86.78185999999999 36.16281)
center             POINT (-86.78185999999999 36.16281)
index_right                                         41
name                                   Urban Residents
Name: 75, dtype: object
first part:  104
second part:  Title                                            The Birth of Apollo
Last Name                                                   Eskridge
First Name                                                     Casey
Location                              1 Symphony Place, Nashville TN
Medium                   Bronze sculpture as centerpiece of fountain
Type                                                       Sculpture
Description        Two figures topping a fountain, one with a lyr...
Latitude                                                    36.15993
Longitude                                                  -86.77611
Mapped Location                                (36.15993, -86.77611)
geometry                                  POINT (-86.77611 36.15993)
center                                    POINT (-86.77611 36.15993)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 104, dtype: object
first part:  105
second part:  Title                                                    The Flutist
Last Name                                                       Varo
First Name                                                    Marton
Location                              1 Symphony Place, Nashville TN
Medium                                                        Marble
Type                                                       Sculpture
Description        Statue commemorating Kenneth D Schermerhorn, M...
Latitude                                                    36.15961
Longitude                                                  -86.77594
Mapped Location                                (36.15961, -86.77594)
geometry                         POINT (-86.77594000000001 36.15961)
center                           POINT (-86.77594000000001 36.15961)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 105, dtype: object
first part:  107
second part:  Title                                                     The Prince
Last Name                                                     Outlaw
First Name                                                  Adrienne
Location                             615 Church Street, Nashville TN
Medium             Mixed Media Use of heavy guage aluminum wire a...
Type                                                          Mobile
Description        The Little Prince\nOutlaw hung a whimsical mob...
Latitude                                                    36.16215
Longitude                                                  -86.78205
Mapped Location                                (36.16215, -86.78205)
geometry                                  POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
center                                    POINT (-86.78205 36.16215)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 107, dtype: object
first part:  109
second part:  Title                                         The Recording Angel
Last Name                                                   Flack
First Name                                                 Audrey
Location                           1 Symphony Place, Nashville TN
Medium                                                     Bronze
Type                                                    Sculpture
Description        Bronze angel holding a fountain pen and tablet
Latitude                                                  36.1592
Longitude                                               -86.77571
Mapped Location                              (36.1592, -86.77571)
geometry                                POINT (-86.77571 36.1592)
center                                  POINT (-86.77571 36.1592)
index_right                                                    41
name                                              Urban Residents
Name: 109, dtype: object
first part:  112
second part:  Title                                             Thomas Gleen Ryman
Last Name                                                    Shields
First Name                                                     Steve
Location                                 116 5th Ave N, Nashville TN
Medium                              Bronze sculpture with brick base
Type                                                       Sculpture
Description        Full-length standing figure of Ryman, holding ...
Latitude                                                    36.16156
Longitude                                                  -86.77789
Mapped Location                                (36.16156, -86.77789)
geometry                                  POINT (-86.77789 36.16156)
center                                    POINT (-86.77789 36.16156)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 112, dtype: object
first part:  114
second part:  Title                                                       Timeless
Last Name                                                      Sorci
First Name                                                       Joe
Location              3rd Avenue North between Commerce and Broadway
Medium                               Steel and Civil War cannonballs
Type                                                       Sculpture
Description        Two nearly interlinked hemicycles with cannonb...
Latitude                                                    36.16227
Longitude                                                  -86.77631
Mapped Location                                (36.16227, -86.77631)
geometry                                  POINT (-86.77631 36.16227)
center                                    POINT (-86.77631 36.16227)
index_right                                                       41
name                                                 Urban Residents
Name: 114, dtype: object

You have created a folium map of downtown Nashville, a polygon showing the Urban Residents neighborhood, and markers to show the location of the artworks. All that's left is to create some popups for the markers!

Troubleshooting data issues

You will be building popups for the downtown art using the title and desc columns from the urban_art DataFrame. Here, you will inspect those columns to identify and clean up any problematic values.


# Print the urban_art description

# Replace Nan and ' values in description
urban_art.Description.fillna('', inplace=True)
urban_art.Description.str.replace("'", "`")

# Print the urban_art descriptions again
1                        [Fourth and Commerce Sculpture]
4                                   A Story of Nashville
21                                           Chet Atkins
22                     Children's Chairs For The Seasons
34                                       Foliated Scroll
39                                          Gone Fishing
40                             Happy Times at The Arcade
54                                     Johnny Cash Mural
55                                 La Storia della Terra
57                                 Les Paul Guitar Mural
59                                         Library Doors
60                               Lightning Wire Fountain
66     Nashville, A History through Maps and Aerial V...
67                                               Oh, Roy
68                                  Orpheus and Eurydice
75                               Piecing It All Together
104                                  The Birth of Apollo
105                                          The Flutist
107                                           The Prince
109                                  The Recording Angel
112                                   Thomas Gleen Ryman
114                                             Timeless
Name: Title, dtype: object
4      Inside the Grand Reading Room, this is a serie...
21     A sculpture of a young Chet Atkins seated on a...
22                     chairs depicting the four seasons
34     a contemporary adaptation of a classical folia...
39     Just having some fun with Trompe L'oeil balconies
40          Trompe L'oeil artwork celebrating The Arcade
54     Classic street art by Thoughts Manifested crew...
55     A 20 foot tower of stone books. There are 26 b...
59     images of local people as well as Tennessee an...
66     Eight scenes showing the development of Nashvi...
67     Minnie Pearl and Roy Acuff seated on a bench i...
68     Relief sculpture above main entrance of Scherm...
104    Two figures topping a fountain, one with a lyr...
105    Statue commemorating Kenneth D Schermerhorn, M...
107    The Little Prince\nOutlaw hung a whimsical mob...
109       Bronze angel holding a fountain pen and tablet
112    Full-length standing figure of Ryman, holding ...
114    Two nearly interlinked hemicycles with cannonb...
Name: Description, dtype: object
4      Inside the Grand Reading Room, this is a serie...
21     A sculpture of a young Chet Atkins seated on a...
22                     chairs depicting the four seasons
34     a contemporary adaptation of a classical folia...
39     Just having some fun with Trompe L'oeil balconies
40          Trompe L'oeil artwork celebrating The Arcade
54     Classic street art by Thoughts Manifested crew...
55     A 20 foot tower of stone books. There are 26 b...
59     images of local people as well as Tennessee an...
66     Eight scenes showing the development of Nashvi...
67     Minnie Pearl and Roy Acuff seated on a bench i...
68     Relief sculpture above main entrance of Scherm...
104    Two figures topping a fountain, one with a lyr...
105    Statue commemorating Kenneth D Schermerhorn, M...
107    The Little Prince\nOutlaw hung a whimsical mob...
109       Bronze angel holding a fountain pen and tablet
112    Full-length standing figure of Ryman, holding ...
114    Two nearly interlinked hemicycles with cannonb...
Name: Description, dtype: object
C:\Users\kcsgo\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:

A map of downtown art

Now you will assign a popup to each marker to give information about the artwork at each location. In particular you will assign the art title and description to the popup for each marker. You will do so by creating the map object downtown_map, then add the popups, and finally use the display function to show your map.

One warning before you start: you'll need to ensure that all instances of single quotes (') are removed from the pop-up message, otherwise your plot will not render!

downtown_map = folium.Map(location=urban_location, zoom_start=15, width=500, height=500)

# Create popups inside the loop you built to create the markers
for row in urban_art.iterrows():
    row_values = row[1] 
    location = [row_values['Latitude'], row_values['Longitude']]
    popup = (str(row_values['Title']) + ': ' + str(row_values['Description'])[:20])
    marker = folium.Marker(location = location, popup=popup)