import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Why Probability and Statistics

  • Why should you care about prob&stat?

    • Navigation software:

      • Certainty: Find the shortest route from a to b
      • Uncertainty: Find the fastest route from a to b
    • Search engine:

      • Certainty: Find all web pages that contain the words "Trump", "Hillary", and "debate"
      • Uncertainty: Find the 10 most relevant pages for the query "Trump, Hillary debate"
    • Insurance Company:

      • Certainty: If a person with life insurance dies, the insurance company has to pay the family \$X
      • Uncertainty: What is the minimal life insurance premium such that the probability that the life insurance company will be bankrupt in 10 years is smaller that 1%?

Probability Theory

What is Probability Theory?

  • Probability Theory is mathematical framework for computing the probability of complex events
  • Under the assumption that we know the probabilities of the basic events

A simple question

We all know that if one flips a fair coin then the outcome is "heads" or "tails with equal probabilities. What does that mean?

It means that if we flip the coin kk times, for some large value of kk, say k=10000k = 10000. Then the number of "heads" is about k2=100002=5000\frac{k}{2} = \frac{10000}{2} = 5000

Simulating coin flips

We will use the pseudo random number generators in numpy to simulate the coin flips. Instead of "Heads" and "Tails", we will use xi=1x_i = 1 or xi=1x_i = -1 and consider the sum S10000=x1+x2++x10000S_{10000} = x_1 + x_2 + \dots + x_{10000}. And we will vary the number of coin flips, which we denote by kk.

def generate_counts(k=1000, n=100):
    # Generate a k X n matrix of $\pm$ 1 random numbers
    X = 2 * (np.random.rand(k, n) > 0.5) - 1
    S = np.sum(X, axis=0)
    return S
k = 1000
n = 1000
counts = generate_counts(k=k, n=n)
plt.figure(figsize=[10, 4]);
plt.xlim([-k, k]);
plt.title('Histogram of coin flip sum when flipping a fair coin %d times' % k);

Note that the sum S1000S_{1000} is not exactly 0, it is only close to 0.

Using probability theory, we can calculate how small is Sk\vert S_k \vert.

In later lesson, we will show that the probability that

Sk4k \vert S_k \vert \ge 4 \sqrt{k}

is smaller than 2×1082 \times 10^{-8} which is 0.000002%0.000002\%

At first, let's use our simulation to demonstrate that this is the case:

from math import sqrt
plt.figure(figsize=[13, 3.5]);

for j in range(2, 5):
    k = 10 ** j
    counts = generate_counts(k=k, n=100)
    plt.subplot(130 + j - 1);
    plt.hist(counts, bins=10);
    d = 4 * sqrt(k)
    plt.plot([-d, -d], [0, 30], 'r');
    plt.plot([+d, +d], [0, 30], 'r');
    plt.title('%d flips, bound=$\pm$%6.1f' % (k, d));

If we scale, if we plot the full scale of these coin flips,

plt.figure(figsize=[13, 3.5]);

for j in range(2, 5):
    k = 10 ** j
    counts = generate_counts(k=k, n=100)
    plt.subplot(130 + j - 1);
    plt.hist(counts, bins=10);
    plt.xlim([-k, k]);
    d = 4 * sqrt(k)
    plt.plot([-d, -d], [0, 30], 'r');
    plt.plot([+d, +d], [0, 30], 'r');
    plt.title('%d flips, bound=$\pm$%6.1f' % (k, d));


We did some experiments summing kk random numbers:

Sk=x1+x2++xk S_k = x_1 + x_2 + \dots + x_k

xi=1x_i = -1 with probability 12\frac{1}{2}, xi=+1x_i = +1 with probability 12\frac{1}{2}

Out experiments show that the sum SkS_k is (almost) always in the range [4k,+4k][-4\sqrt{k}, +4\sqrt{k}],

If k,4kk=4k0 \text{If } k \rightarrow \infty, \frac{4 \sqrt{k}}{k} = \frac{4}{\sqrt{k}} \rightarrow 0


If k,Skk0 \text{If } k \rightarrow \infty, \frac{S_k}{k} \rightarrow 0

What is probability theory (again)

It is the math involved in proving (a precise of) the statements above.

In most cases, we can approximate probabilities using simulations (Monte-Carlo simulations)

Calculating the probabilites is better because:

  • It provides a precise answer
  • It is much faster than Monte Carlo simulations


What is statistics?

Probability theory computes probabilities of complex events given the underlying base probabilties

Statistics takes us in the opposite direction We are given data that was generated by a Stochastic process We infer properties of the underlying base probabilities.

Example - Deciding whether a coin is biased

We discussed the distribution of the number of heads when flipping a fair coin many times. Let's turn the question around: we flip a coin 1000 times and get 570 heads. Can we conclude that the coin is biased (not fair)? What can we conclude if we got 507 heads?

The logic of Statistical Inference

The answer uses the following logic

  • Suppose that the coin is fair
  • Use probability theory to compute the probability of getting at least 570 (or 507) heads.
  • If this probability is very small, then we can reject with confidence the hypothesis that the coin is fair

Calculating the answer

Recall the coin flip example used previous section.

We used xi=1x_i = -1 for tails and xi=+1x_i = +1 for heads.

We looked at the sum Sk=i=1kxiS_k = \sum_{i=1}^{k} x_i, here k=1000k=1000.

If the number of heads is 570, then S1000=570430=140S_{1000} = 570 - 430 = 140.

This result is very unlikely that S1000>4k126.5\vert S_{1000} \vert \gt 4 \sqrt{k} \approx 126.5 . And it is very unlikely that the coin is unbiased.

What about 507 heads?

507 heads = 493 tails Sn=14,14126.5\Rightarrow S_n = 14, 14 \ll 126.5

So we cannot conclude that coin is biased.


The probability that an unbiased coin would generate a sequence with 570 or more heads is extremely small. From which we can conclude, with high confidence, that the coin is biased.

On the other hand, S1000>14\vert S_{1000} \vert \gt 14 is quite likely. So getting 507 heads does not provide evidence that the coin is biased.

Real-World examples

You might ask "why should I care whether a coin is biased?"

  • This is a valid critique.
  • We will give a few real-world cases in which we want to know whether a "coin" is biased or not.

Case 1 - Polls

  • Suppose elections will take place in a few days and we want to know how people plan to vote
  • Suppose there are just two parties: D and R
  • We could try and ask all potential voters \rightarrow that would be very expensive
  • Instead, we can use a poll: call up a small randomly selected set of people
  • Call nn people at random and count the number of D votes.
  • Can you say with confidence that there are more D votes, or more R votes?
  • Mathmatically equivalent to flipping a biased coin and
  • Asking whether you can say with confidence that it is biased towards "Heads" or towards "Tails"

Case 2 - A/B testing

A common practice when optimizing a web page is to perform A/B tests.

  • A/B refers to two alternative design fot the page. ab
  • To see which design users prefer we randomly present design A or design B
  • We measure how long the user stayed on a page, or whether the user clicked on an advertisement.
  • We want to decide,with confidence, which of the two designs is better.
  • Again: similar to making a decision with confidence on whether "Heads" is more probably than "Tails" or vice versa.


Statistics is about analyzing real-world data and drawing conclusions Examples includes:

  • Using polls to estimate public opinion
  • Performing A/B tests to design web pages
  • Estimating the rate of global warming
  • Deciding whether a medical procedure is effective

A 3-card puzzle

Suppose we have three cards in a hat:

  • RB : One card is painted blue on one side and red on the other.
  • BB : One card is painted blue on both sides.
  • RR : One card is painted red on both sides.

The setup

  • I pick one of the three cards at randomn, flip it to a random side, and place it on the table.
  • UU be the color of the side of the card facing up. ("B", or "R")

Do you want to bet?

  • If the other side of the card has a different, I pay you \$1,
  • If the other side has the same color, you pay me \$1.

Why is this a fair bet?

  • Suppose UU us R.
  • Then, the card is either RR or RB.
  • Therefore, the other side can be either R or B.
  • Therefore, in this case, the odds are equal.
  • A similar argument holds for the case where UU is B

Let's use a monte-carlo simulation

from random import random


for j in range(50):
    # Select a random card
    i = int(random() * 3.)
    side = int(random() * 2.)
    C = Cards[i]
    # Select which side to be "up"
    if side == 1:
        C = (C[1], C[0])
    same = 'same' if C[0] == C[1] else 'different'
    # Count the number of times the two sides are the same or different.
    counts[same] += 1
    print(''.join(C) + ' %-9s' % same, end='')
    if(j + 1) % 5 == 0:
BB same     BB same     RB differentBR differentRR same     
BB same     BR differentRR same     RR same     RB different
RR same     BR differentRR same     RR same     RR same     
RR same     RR same     RR same     RR same     BR different
BB same     BR differentBB same     RR same     RR same     
BB same     BB same     BB same     RR same     BR different
BB same     RR same     BB same     BB same     BB same     
RR same     RR same     RB differentRR same     BB same     
RR same     RR same     RR same     BB same     RR same     
BB same     RB differentRR same     BB same     RR same     

{'same': 40, 'different': 10}

The simulation does not agree with the argument

  • In simulation: the two sides have the same color about twice the number of times that they have different color.

  • You are twice as likely to lose as you are to win.

  • On Average, you lose 33 cents per iteration: $1×(2/3)$1×(1/3) \$1 \times (2/3) - \$1 \times (1/3)

Alternative argument

If we pick a card at random 2/3 of the time, we pick a card where the two sides have the same color, and only 1/3 where the color is different.

How can we be sure?

  • The original argument also sounds convincing, but is wrong.
  • To be sure that our argument is correct, we need to define some concepts, including outcome and event.


In this excercise you will write code to estimate the probability that nn flips of a fair coin will result in number of "heads" between k1k_1 and k2k_2.

You should write the body of two functions:

  1. seq_sum(n): generates a random sequence of coin flips and counts the number of heads.
  2. estimate_prob(n,k1,k2,m): Using calls to seq_sum, estimate the probability of the number of heads being between k1k_1 and k2k_2.
array([0.95931166, 0.52807626, 0.08801368, 0.64187303])

Exercise 1

​ Write a function, seq_sum(n), which generates nn random coin flips from a fair coin and then returns the number of heads. A fair coin is defined to be a coin where P(P(heads)=12)=\frac{1}{2} ​ The output type should be a numpy integer, hint: use np.random.rand() * **Code:** *

x = seq_sum(100)
print x
print [seq_sum(2) for x in range(20)]

​ ​ * **Output:** *

[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]
def seq_sum(n):
    """ input: n, generate a sequence of n random coin flips
        output: return the number of heads 
        Hint: For simplicity, use 1,0 to represent head,tails
    seq_list = np.array([np.random.rand() for _ in range(n)])
    return np.sum(seq_list >= 0.5)
x = seq_sum(100)
assert np.unique([seq_sum(2) for x in  range(0,200)]).tolist() == [0, 1, 2]

Exercise 2

Write a function, estimate_prob(n,k1,k2,m), that uses seq_sum(n) to estimate the following probability:

P(  k1<=number of heads in n flips<k2) P(\; k_1 <= \text{number of heads in $n$ flips} < k_2 )

The function should estimate the probability by running mm different trials of seq_sum(n), probably using a for loop.

In order to receive full credit estimate_prob MUST call seq_sum (aka: seq_sum is located inside the estimate_prob function)

* **Code:** *

x = estimate_prob(100,45,55,1000)
print type(x)

* **Output:** *

<type 'float'>
def estimate_prob(n,k1,k2,m):
    """Estimate the probability that n flips of a fair coin result in k1 to k2 heads
         n: the number of coin flips (length of the sequence)
         k1,k2: the trial is successful if the number of heads is 
                between k1 and k2-1
         m: the number of trials (number of sequences of length n)
         output: the estimated probability 
    success = 0
    for _ in range(m):
        seqs = seq_sum(n)
        if k1 <= seqs < k2:
            success += 1
    return success / m
x = estimate_prob(100,45,55,1000)
assert 'float' in str(type(x))

Estimate vs. True Probability

We can now check how to see how close these estimates are to the true probabilities.

Helper Functions

These helper functions are used to calculate the actual probabilities. They are used to test your code.

It is not required that you understand how they work.

def calc_prob(n,k1,k2):
    """Calculate the probability using a normal approximation"""
    return (erf(z2/sqrt(2))-erf(z1/sqrt(2)))/2

from math import erf,sqrt
def evaluate(n,q1,q2,m,r=100):
    """Run calc_range many times and test whether the estimates are consistent with calc_prob"""
    print('computed prob=%5.3f, std=%5.3f'%(p,std))

    L=[estimate_prob(n,k1,k2,m) for i in range(r)]
    print('ran estimator %d times, with parameters n=%d,k1=%d,k2=%d,m=%d'%(r,n,k1,k2,m))
    print('median of estimates=%5.3f, error of median estimator=%5.3f, std= %f5.3'%(med,med-p,std))
    return L,med,p,std,abs((med-p)/std)
def test_report_assert(n,q1,q2,m,r=100):
    plt.plot([p,p],plt.ylim(),'r',label='true prob')
    plt.plot([med,med],plt.ylim(),'k',label='median of %d estimates'%r)
    print('normalized error of median=',norm_err,'should be <1.0')
    assert norm_err<1.0

Testing your Functions

  • We now test your functions. The graphs below show how close your estimated probability is to the true probability for various values of k1k_1 and k2k_2. You can see that your answer is never exactly the correct probability.
for n in [100,1000]:
    for q1,q2 in [(0.4,0.6),(0.55,1.00),(0.47,0.499)]:
        print('#### test no.',i)
#### test no. 1
computed prob=0.954, std=0.021
ran estimator 100 times, with parameters n=100,k1=40,k2=60,m=100
median of estimates=0.950, error of median estimator=-0.004, std= 0.0208405.3
normalized error of median= 0.21591965634481614 should be <1.0
#### test no. 2
computed prob=0.159, std=0.037
ran estimator 100 times, with parameters n=100,k1=55,k2=100,m=100
median of estimates=0.185, error of median estimator=0.026, std= 0.0365355.3
normalized error of median= 0.7210739298262482 should be <1.0
#### test no. 3
computed prob=0.146, std=0.035
ran estimator 100 times, with parameters n=100,k1=47,k2=49,m=100
median of estimates=0.130, error of median estimator=-0.016, std= 0.0353595.3
normalized error of median= 0.46627417809069077 should be <1.0
#### test no. 4
computed prob=1.000, std=0.000
ran estimator 100 times, with parameters n=1000,k1=400,k2=600,m=100
median of estimates=1.000, error of median estimator=0.000, std= 0.0000025.3
normalized error of median= 0.0001593621193426113 should be <1.0
#### test no. 5
computed prob=0.001, std=0.003
ran estimator 100 times, with parameters n=1000,k1=550,k2=1000,m=100
median of estimates=0.000, error of median estimator=-0.001, std= 0.0027975.3
normalized error of median= 0.27987751426889984 should be <1.0
#### test no. 6
computed prob=0.446, std=0.050
ran estimator 100 times, with parameters n=1000,k1=470,k2=499,m=100
median of estimates=0.440, error of median estimator=-0.006, std= 0.0497065.3
normalized error of median= 0.11861045590584546 should be <1.0