Bellman equations and Markov decision process
A summary of "Understanding deep reinforcement learning"
Bellman equations and Markov decision process
Recall: Markov Reward Process
Markov Reward Process is Markov Chain with rewards. it is a tuple of $(S, T, R, \gamma)$
- $S$ is a set of Markov states $(s \in S)$
- $T$ is transition model (or dynamics) that specifies $T(t, s_1, s_2) = T_{s_1s_2} \doteq P(s_{t+1} = s_2 \vert s_t = s_1)$
- $R$ is a reward function $R(s_t = s) = E[r_t \vert s_t = s]$
- $\gamma$ is Discount factor $\gamma \in [0, 1]$
- There is no actions
- If $S$ is finite, then $R$ can be represented by a vector
- By Markov property, the transition model is independent of $t$ so that it can be expresed by $T(t, s_1, s_2) = T(s_1, s_2) = P(s_{t+1} = s_2 \vert s_t = s_1)$
- Also same as $R(s_t = s) = R(s)$
Markov Reward Process for Finite State
If $S$ is finite, $S$ can be represented by a vector: And the transition model $T$ can be represented by a matrix:
Also, the reward function $R$ can be represented by a vector:
Computing return from rewards
$R$ is a reward function We can calculate total discounted rewards from $t$ be the return $G_t$:
- Time of horizon: number of time steps in each episode
- Finite ($t \leq T$) or infinite ($t \rarr \infty$)
- If finite, MRP is called finite MRP
State-value function for MRP
- State-value function $V$: expected discounted sum of future rewards from initial state $s$
- By Markov property, $V(s_t = s)$ is independent of the initial step $t$ so that we can use simpler notation $V(s)$ instead of $V(s_t = s)$.
Bellman Equation for MRP
The value function can be decomposed by:
- Immediate reward ($r_t$)
- Discounterd value of subsequent states ($\gamma G_{t+1}$)
The Bellman equation for MRP is:
If we have finite state, the Bellman equation of state-value function for MRP can be represented by vectors and the transition matrix:
Note : $T_{ij} = P(s_{t+1} = s_j \vert s_t = s_i)$
It can simplified by:
How to solve Bellman Equation
Solving the linear system by using linear solvers:
Note: If $\gamma < 1$, then $\mathbb{I}- \gamma T$ is invertible
Computation Complexity is $O(n^3)$ where $n$ is the number of states. If $n$ is huge, then it is not proper to solve the linear system directly. Instead, we can use iterative methods like Dynamic Programming.